How to Build Web Traffic Daily

Written by Kevin Allman

Continued from page 1

The added advantage with articles as well, is that you can post them on other related websites. By doing this, you can create numerous backlinks by including your link atrepparttar end of your article.

Search engines love Article content; but we’ll go more into Search Engines inrepparttar 146792 next section.

IV -Search Engines --------------------------------

Search engines are great for driving web traffic if you can get into aboutrepparttar 146793 top 30 results for popular search terms. With Google, rankings depend largely on backlinks and PR.

In addition to these two variables; another variable is Onpage Optimization.

Onpage optimization is basicallyrepparttar 146794 editing of your HTML code so that its ideal for placement in search engine results.

This editing may includingrepparttar 146795 editing of meta tags, descriptions, keywords and content realignment.

Quick tips for Onpage optimization for web traffic

1. Use H1 header tags

Make sure that this tag contains your keyword.

2. Use H2 tags.

Largely taken as a subheading, make sure this also contains your main keyword;

3. Evenly spread keywords

Also, with regards torepparttar 146796 content, try to make reference to your keyword regularly, but not too often. Try to mention it evenly throughoutrepparttar 146797 document. This is whererepparttar 146798 article writing fromrepparttar 146799 previous sections comes in handy. With your articles, make sure that

There are numerous other Onpage Optimization tips I can give you, but I go into that more inrepparttar 146800 Optimization tips article HERE.

V - Discussion Boards/Forums --------------------------------

Discussion forums are a great way to get your message out and generate even more web traffic.

To find these forums use your keyword andrepparttar 146801 word 'forums' with

For example, ‘Cat forums’. Make sure that you keep a log of all of them. You’ll want to be making regular posts here.

On registering, try to include your URL and a brief description of your website in your signature. If you make regular posts onrepparttar 146802 forums, and change signatures every once in a while to reflect what’s going on at your website, you will have a steady stream of visitors.

For example, an example signature could be ‘ – ‘How to make cats happy’ article just posted 12/34/04’.

On these boards, you will also realize that there are several recurring questions new persons ask.

With reference torepparttar 146803 Cats forums; there may be a question which you find reoccurs 'How should I groom my Cat?'.

If you can create an article to answer each of these questions, you can always postrepparttar 146804 link to your article everytime a newbie asks question. This will drive fresh users to your website and once your website has in great content; will ensure repeat user and more web traffic.

VI - Conclusion --------------------------------

There are always new ways of finding means of developing web traffic. Offline promotion such as developing business cards can also help. You've only just begun your journey! The last thing I want to say is that fresh content ALWAYS brings return vistors; keep adding content; and your visitors will return time after time.

With that said I wish you allrepparttar 146805 best with your web traffic quest!

Kevin Allman is a webmaster with over ten years Internet experience. He runs a Search Engine Optimization website at which contains many articles on how to optimize your website.

Using Back Links to get Top Search Engine Ranking

Written by Richard Moore

Continued from page 1

5. Join a link co-op. Co-ops such asrepparttar one found at are an amazing source of valuable back links and free advertisement. What is a co op network? A Co op network is a network of site owners/webmasters that offer ad space torepparttar 146333 network. In return,repparttar 146334 ads they define are displayed acrossrepparttar 146335 entire network. The best part of ad networks such asrepparttar 146336 one found at digital point, is, they are free. Having your site in a co-op can literally mean thousands of back links for your site.

6. Buying ezine ads is a paid method of advertising, but it works, because it isrepparttar 146337 most targeted of these approaches. Write a concise ad for your business, and link to either a lead-capture page or directly to your autoresponder. Then, begin contacting ezines to place your ad. (Do a search for “ezine directories,” and you will find enough lists to keep you busy.) When you contact an ezine, look for rates for both classified ads and solo ads. The advantage to a solo ad is that your ad goes out by itself in a separate email, but they can be more expensive. Because these ads are targeted (you should NOT advertise in an unrelated ezine), you will definitely see traffic, but you will need to track your results to see which ezines bring yourepparttar 146338 most and best traffic.

7. Ad Swaps can be an exellent source of advertising. Start by writing some killer copy (to coin a phrase...there are many free articles and ebooks writen onrepparttar 146339 subject). Simply use your favorite search engine and type to write ad copy. I googled this as I am wriying this and it showed 12,400,000 results. WOW! Once you have your ad written, search out Ezines that are inrepparttar 146340 same catagory as your business or service. Again use your favorite web search. Build yourself a list of ezines and then email them asking if they except ad swaps. Include your ad in your corrospondance withrepparttar 146341 ezines so they can see what you are offering. Another place to check for ezines is to type in Ezine directories in your seach engine. Look up ezines in your catagory of business or service. Most listings will tell you if they except ad swaps andrepparttar 146342 peramiters ofrepparttar 146343 ad such as how many lines and how many characters per line. Don't forget to ad your website url in your ad.

If you want to have a successful site, whether-it-be a hobby or for business, you have to understand how search engines work. Part of that understanding, is knowing about link development. Maybe inrepparttar 146344 early 90’srepparttar 146345 idea of “if you build it they will come” might have been true. But inrepparttar 146346 year 2005repparttar 146347 internet is a far more competitive and complex place. To be successful today, you have to work at it. Without a quality source of back linksrepparttar 146348 search engines will all but ignore your site.

Richard D. Moore is the President and Founder of IncomeNow! Marketing Masters. With 12 years of online business experience, we offer Free support to every subscriber to IncomeNow! A No Hype, No Bull, Honest and Real source to help you start or grow your business and/or Ezine

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