How to Build Rock Solid Self Confidence

Written by Peter Murphy

Continued from page 1

1. Make a list of your strong points.

Allrepparttar positive things about yourself andrepparttar 128904 things that you are good at doing. Think of compliments you have received or things that come easily to you. It doesn't matter what it is, if it's good, write it down.

2. Choose two of those things that you want to work on to improve even more.

It's important to succeed and by concentrating onrepparttar 128905 areas you are already good at you will have a better chance of becoming even more sure of yourself. Remember that success builds upon success.

3. Exude confidence even if you don't feel like it.

Talk to yourself in an encouraging way and stay away from negative thoughts and people as you can.

Instead surround yourself with positive, confident, and successful people. This will become a habit and one that will build confidence.

4. Look at yourself in a different way than you are used to doing.

It can change your life and help your confidence level to rise. See yourself asrepparttar 128906 self confident person you want to be and before you know it you will become that person.

If you have a set-back do not let it getrepparttar 128907 best of you. Rememberrepparttar 128908 times when you exhibited self confidence and how good it felt and then try again and each time will help you to build confidence and confidence building will become a way of life.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report:10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. This report reveals the secret strategies all high achievers use to communicate with charm and impact. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

A REASON FOR LIVING in a nutshell.

Written by Laurent Grenier

Continued from page 1

4. Just as we cannot build a house without first securing a solid foundation, we cannot achieve fulfillment without first ensuring that our body is sound, thanks to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

5. To be free to do what we please is a precious right that we have as members of a liberal society. This right comes with a corresponding duty: to respect that right in others. Indeed, we are free to do what we please if what we please is not to make our fellow creatures suffer. Mutual respect isrepparttar sine qua non of collective harmony. It isrepparttar 128903 chief principle behind human justice.

The right to freedom, withinrepparttar 128904 liberal society, also means that we are free to believe what we please. No institutionalized ideology is imposed on us besidesrepparttar 128905 basic moral principle dictating that we respect one another so that society, however liberal, remains sufficiently ordered to be operational. The reverse of order is chaos, which only knowsrepparttar 128906 law ofrepparttar 128907 jungle: dog eat dog.

Now,repparttar 128908 right to believe what we please comes with a corresponding duty: to think by ourselves and for ourselves to define our own ideology according to which we see and do things in a certain way. Again,repparttar 128909 only imposition isrepparttar 128910 basic moral principle dictating that we respect one another.

6. Withinrepparttar 128911 context of my own ideology, which I cannot impose, but only propose, love isrepparttar 128912 essence of life, its essential purpose. It includesrepparttar 128913 love of ourselves, which consists in promoting our own life. This love is instinctive and foundational; it is instrumental inrepparttar 128914 love of others, as we feel solidarity with them.

At a deeper level, love extends to that of everything. It proceeds fromrepparttar 128915 divine principle behindrepparttar 128916 universe, thanks to which everything isrepparttar 128917 way it is, capable of being and better still, within certain limits, capable of flourishing. Like this principle, these limits can be ascertained through their obvious manifestations, but never explained. Ultimately,repparttar 128918 universe and our relative knowledge of it are founded on a fathomless mystery.

Laurent Grenier’s writing career spans over twenty years. During this time he has broadened and deepened his worldview, by dint of much reflection and study, and in the end has crafted A REASON FOR LIVING, his best work to date.

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