How to Build Business Credit Despite Your Personal Credit

Written by Karen L. Hardy

Continued from page 1

They will pull YOUR credit report. Notrepparttar business. And do you know why? Because you have not established a business credit profile separate from your personal credit profile.

Can this be done? How does a business establish a credit profile separate from your personal credit profile? There is a credit system that will help you:

1. Lease vehicles like Lexus or Lamborghini, with added tax benefits. 2. Get a business line of credit or Small Business Loan or Business Credit Card for expanded Advertising, Inventory and other expansions your competitors can't get. 3. Invest in large projects like Commercial Property or Land or Construction that your personal credit isn't enough to guarantee. 4. Protect your personal assets from that ofrepparttar 103580 business by not having to sign, no personal guarantee. 5. Start over with a new credit file if you need to, instead of just being stuck with your personal credit report Start new businesses you always wanted to start with Business Loans.

6. Separate your personal credit from your new shiny business credit profile

7. Get a new credit report for every business you start. Establish business credit that's good even if you have poor personal credit (it's true!)

Anyone who wants to establish a REAL BUSINESS, with CREDIBILITY that's bankable ought to establish business credit.

Karen L. Hardy, MSBA is a certified Business Finance Consultant, real estate investor and motivational speaker. To establish credit for your business, go to

Can Your Ideas Really Make You a Millionaire?

Written by Jeremy Gislason

Continued from page 1

So a declaration of ownership was filed withrepparttar United Nations as well asrepparttar 103579 US and Russian governments in 1980 by Mr. Dennis M. Hope ofrepparttar 103580 Lunar Embassy, to ensure that a legal basis forrepparttar 103581 ownership ofrepparttar 103582 properties sold here can be claimed. Yes, that is right, Dennis has a company that ownsrepparttar 103583 land reseller rights torepparttar 103584 entire moon!

He then set out to sell his new property. Now if you can imagine Dennis going door-to-door trying to sell acres onrepparttar 103585 moon back inrepparttar 103586 80's you can probably guess how well he did. He didn't make one sale for fiftenn years! Now, I don't know about you, but for most folks, fifteen years is a very long time to not make a sale.

However, did he give up? No, and he finally got his big break when a celebrity named John Travolta decided to buy a large plot of land. Well, oncerepparttar 103587 word got around Hollywood, pretty soon everyone wanted a piece. Next thing you knowrepparttar 103588 press is all over this story and his sales went throughrepparttar 103589 roof.

He now has a website where he sells property onrepparttar 103590 moon. Lunar Embassy has authorized to resell Lunar Property. And guess what..people from all overrepparttar 103591 world have bought plots for sales inrepparttar 103592 millions and he has sold just a fraction ofrepparttar 103593 land available. You can buy land for yourself or as a gift. Just think, you could buy a piece ofrepparttar 103594 moon and give it to your kids or your spouse or girlfriend and tell them to think of you everytime they seerepparttar 103595 moon. They even have an affiliate program!! Am I an affiliate? No, I just cannot get myself into selling moon property, but it looks like some people are earning good money as affiliates.

So there you have it. No idea is too crazy or to wild if you have determination and there is a buyers market. Remember, all it takes is one killer idea to make you a millionaire.

Jeremy Gislason has over 15 years of business experience. For webmaster resources, downloads, articles and recommendations visit and subscribe today:

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