How to Be a Professional Writer

Written by L. C. Peterson

Continued from page 1

-Learnrepparttar process of creating, rewriting, and editing. Your work represents your knowledge and abilities.

-Meet deadlines. Don't put editors in a bind.

-Be accurate. Show you know what you are talking about.

-Knowrepparttar 129351 copyright laws. Protect your rights.

-Develop a record system. Know what manuscripts are where and what rights you have left to resell. -Learn how to market your work. Agents are not useful or needed in every genre or writing field.

If you apply these eight steps to your work they will speedrepparttar 129352 number and quality of your manuscript sales. You will build a reputation as a writer editors can depend on and readers will enjoy.

L. C. Peterson is a writer and web marketing consultant. Other articles and writer's tips can be found at A freelance writing tutorial can be requested at

Fonts: How to Choose Between Them

Written by Tim North

Continued from page 1

A commonly followed convention, though, is to use a serif font forrepparttar body text of your document and a sans-serif font forrepparttar 129349 headings. My recommended fonts for general work are Georgia (a very lovely serif font) and Verdana, a very legible sans-serif. Verdana is probably already installed on your computer.

Both of these fonts (together with a number of others) are freely available from Microsoft's Web site: ypography/fontpack/default.htm

Fixed-width and variable-width fonts ------------------------------------ In some fonts, every character isrepparttar 129350 same width; in others,repparttar 129351 characters are of different widths. Not surprisingly, these fonts are termed fixed width and variable width respectively.

Start up you word processor. Type half a dozen lower-case "l"s and then onrepparttar 129352 next line type half a dozen lower-case "w"s. In most fontsrepparttar 129353 "w"s will be much wider. (Such fonts are variable width.)

Now selectrepparttar 129354 two lines of characters and setrepparttar 129355 font to Courier or Courier New. Notice that both lines are nowrepparttar 129356 same length. Courier is a fixed-width font.

It should be no surprise that variable-width fonts look more natural and are thus easier to read. Fixed-width fonts such as Courier have quite limited application:

* Computer programmers use fixed-width fonts in order to neatly align their code.

* The other main use of fixed-width fonts is to produce tables that need to be neatly tabulated into fixed-width columns.

Conclusion ---------- As an exercise go throughrepparttar 129357 fonts on your computer and find five variable-width, serif fonts that you likerepparttar 129358 look of. Choose among these forrepparttar 129359 body copy of your documents.

Now find five variable-width, sans-serif fonts. Use these for your headings, captions, headers and footers.

Armed with these simple ways of classifying fonts, you should now have an easy time of choosing suitable fonts for all occasions.

You'll find over 200 tips like this in Tim North's much applauded e-book BETTER WRITING SKILLS. It's just $19.95 and comes with a 90-day, money-back guarantee. Download a sample chapter here:

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