How to Acquire One Way Inbound Links.

Written by Salihu Ibrahim

Continued from page 1

3. Another way to build your one way inbound link is to participate intensively in newsgroups and discussion forums. By making good and valuable contributions (postings) you establish yourself as an expert. Always try to be different and stand out. Others will see this and check out your profile. This will lead them to check out your site and eventually link to it. If signature files are allowed inrepparttar forum use a well-crafted signature file that will pull forum members to your site

4. Enter your site for an award at award sites. If your site is selected for an award, a link is placed to your site and this increases your one way inbound links.

5. You could also acquire one way inbound links by offering to provide testimonials for products you have purchased. Sendrepparttar 128109 manufacturer ofrepparttar 128110 product or service an email offering to provide a testimonial at his site or sales page in return for a link back to your site.

6. Submit your site to directories. Especially, niche or specialist directories. Regional directories are also okay. Submitting your site to specialist directories gives your site a greater chance of being picked up byrepparttar 128111 search engines than when you submit to a general directory. Also consider paying for submission to some important directories. For a fee, these directories will index your site in their database within two to five business days. For a list of search engines and directories you can submit to for free and for a fee go to

7. Consider hiring a link building company to do your link popularity campaign for you. One of such company is For a fee they will guarantee a certain number of quality one way inbound links to your site. This might be expensive butrepparttar 128112 investment will surely pay off with traffic from free search engines.

8. You can offer a discount to webmaster on services you provide at your site in return for a link from their sites.

9. If you have goods or services for sale consider setting up an affiliate program. This is a very good way of rapidly building your link prominence. Make sure your affiliate software is hosted on your server. This ensures that your affiliates' links point back to your site . Using an affiliate service will most likely mean affiliate links will be pointing at their server, thereby depriving you of links. One very good affiliate software is ASSOTRAC.

Some points to note when building one way inbound links.

Your link popularity increases as websites link to you. However, it must be said that it is notrepparttar 128113 number butrepparttar 128114 quality ofrepparttar 128115 links that is important. That is, emphasis should be on quality and not quantity. Not all links are equal. Some are more favored (carry more weight) than others. Some ofrepparttar 128116 things to keep in mind when carrying out inbound links are;

1. Look for quality sites to acquire links from. A link from Dmoz or Yahoo has more weight than one from a small private web site. Submit to free or paid listings in important directories.

2. The way other sites link to you is very important. Try as much as possible, to see that your keywords are inrepparttar 128117 text link that is linking to you and not your domain name. With your keywords inrepparttar 128118 text link it portrays your site as an authority site forrepparttar 128119 keyword.

3. Acquire links from complementary sites. Sites that are inrepparttar 128120 same industry as yours, but are not your competitors. Links from these type of sites have more weight than from those that are not related to your site.

4. Links from specialist or niche directories also carry more weight than those from less important general directories and your links are easier to find byrepparttar 128121 search engines. When submitting to directories, especially for a fee, be sure to choose a relevant category that is not deep down inrepparttar 128122 directory. Your listing should be at most three clicks away fromrepparttar 128123 home page ofrepparttar 128124 directory. Some engines will not spider deep down.

5. If you have several websites, link them together in such a way thatrepparttar 128125 links are one way inbound links, and not reciprocal links. Also don't sharerepparttar 128126 same IP address forrepparttar 128127 sites. Allrepparttar 128128 sites should have unique IPs. This you can ensure by using a different host for each web site.


Acquiring one way inbound links isrepparttar 128129 future of link popularity. Soonerrepparttar 128130 search engines will recognizerepparttar 128131 artificial nature of reciprocal linking in judging authority sites and will discount this in their algorithm or award less points (weight) to reciprocal links. The methods listed above in acquiring one way inbound links are basic, must do actions for every webmaster wishing to stay long atrepparttar 128132 top ofrepparttar 128133 search engines.

The author has been earning his living online since 2000. For comprehensive home base business ideas check out one of his sites at There you will find solid, easy-to-do strategies for building a successful home base business.

The author has been earning his living online since 2000. For comprehensive home base business ideas check out one of his sites at There you will find solid, easy-to-do strategies for building a successful home base business.

EyeTrack III - Can It Really SEE Your Visitors Thought Patterns?

Written by Martin Lemieux

Continued from page 1

Not really,repparttar Eeyetrack III didn't show a more positive response to websites that did mimic newspapers and their content. In fact,repparttar 128108 reaction torepparttar 128109 content was approximatelyrepparttar 128110 same as any other column online.

"It is very easy to get people to visit your site once, It's even harder to keep them there and/or get them to come back." MRL

Can you increaserepparttar 128111 time spent on your site?

Withrepparttar 128112 EyeTrack system, they also tested "time" factors into their findings. What they found wasn't too shocking since most humans reactrepparttar 128113 same way when browsing and & learning online.

Our attention span online is very limited, you need to grab their attention right away. If you don't grab someone's attention at first glance, they will click away onrepparttar 128114 spot.

What kind of design layout isrepparttar 128115 best?

Nothing too flashy seems to berepparttar 128116 winner. It was stated thatrepparttar 128117 individuals that were tested withrepparttar 128118 EYETRACK III didn't even look at many ofrepparttar 128119 graphics online untilrepparttar 128120 end. People seem to gravitate to text and headlines before they take a look at specials with graphics. This is such a turn around from newspapers and magazines.

So does this prove that content is king? I would think so.

Image & Graphics, can they really work?

Its was stated that,repparttar 128121 size of your image/graphics did make a difference. The larger you can go,repparttar 128122 better. So it may be wise to make sure that your advertisers within your site, haverepparttar 128123 largest graphic visible torepparttar 128124 eye to gainrepparttar 128125 most exposure for your advertisers as possible.

If you don't have advertisers on your site don't worry. Try to implement large images for your company’s services/products and specials. Please also keep in mind that not everyone is on high speed internet or cable. Make sure to test your site for download speeds and keep your download time to a minimal. You don't want to lose your visitors because it took more than a minute to download one page.

Everything has it's purpose:

Like mentioned before, internet marketing success is not one thing allrepparttar 128126 way, it's 100 little things coming together. Implementing these findings fromrepparttar 128127 EYETRACK III will increase your chances at winning your visitors hearts and getting them to come back time and time again.

Sitting around, reading articles like these and not creating new strategies will bring yourepparttar 128128 same results you have now. It'srepparttar 128129 people who take information like this and really try to implement them on their site that will achieve better results online.

Do yourself a favor, if you haven't readrepparttar 128130 EYETRACK III report, take some time out of your schedule to readrepparttar 128131 report right away.

I hope this article helps you out!

For more of Martin's articles, go here:


Reprint Rights: You may download a copy of this article here: ... and use it within your website or newsletter. Everything must remainrepparttar 128132 way it was intended.

About The Author:

Martin Lemieux Smartads - President

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