How important is content to a successful website

Written by Susan Prince

Continued from page 1

When writing content use familiar words and avoid using jargon; which many visitors may not understand.

Keeprepparttar number of words to a sentence andrepparttar 103353 number of sentences within a paragraph to a minimum.

A content rich website which is full of text rather than images will be Search Engine friendly. Search Engines collect their data using spiders. Spiders cannot see images or graphics only text. They can only move from page to page via a text link so it is crucial to have text links to your main section of your website on every page.

Remember to design your website to attract bothrepparttar 103354 visitors and Search Engines. This is essential if you wish your site to be successful.

Allrepparttar 103355 best


Susan is English and runs her own online business.At her Home Business Center you will find Affiliat programs,products,information and resources.

Building a better Brick-and-Mortar with the Billion-dollar Web

Written by Donald Lee

Continued from page 1

The benefits don't stop there. As a merchant on a classified site, you can enjoy:

•A store that never closes. Your goods are for sale 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The Internet never turns off.

•A mall of online shoppers. Think of a classified site as a virtual shopping mall, with your grouping of ads under your own virtual storefront. By having a storefront, this allows you to have your own web page and listings, underrepparttar umbrella ofrepparttar 103352 classified site.

•A chain reaction of shopping. "Real" shoppers go to a mall to visit one store, but often they end up browsing through all ofrepparttar 103353 stores inrepparttar 103354 mall. The same is true of virtual shoppers. Even when they visit a classified site looking for one particular thing, they're likely to "spill over" to your storefront out of curiosity. Atrepparttar 103355 very least, it leads to advertising for your store; at best, business.

•An advantage over pure Web merchants. Your classified site will pit you against wily online vendors who only sell their wares onrepparttar 103356 Web. This is where your brick-and-mortar business comes in handy. It's proven that shoppers seem to trust online merchants that have a real address and a real store somewhere.

•A solution torepparttar 103357 intricacies ofrepparttar 103358 Internet. Many classified sites can help with setting up your ads and with designing your storefront, providing you with instant IT IQ. For your buyers,repparttar 103359 sites offerrepparttar 103360 security that Web shoppers demand to protect them from identify theft and fraud.

As mentioned before, many classified sites charge absolutely nothing for all of these benefits. The listings,repparttar 103361 shopping traffic,repparttar 103362 sense of business community,repparttar 103363 advertising-you receive all of these perks for free. Oh, and don't forget your piece ofrepparttar 103364 $117 billion dollar pie.

Donald Lee is the public relationship manager for Buysellcommunity provides free classified listing services for individuals and businesses to market their products and services online. For global and localized classifieds, please visit - Free Buy & Sell Classifieds

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