How important is ABSITE?

Written by Alex Kavokin MD,

Continued from page 1
--- Fellowships and private practices Use ABSITE score as a part of evaluation process. --- Some programs use ABSITE for promotion process. RUSH, for example, starts probation ifrepparttar score is below 25th percentile. RUSH. Sometimes that cut off score is as high as 30%. --- Correlation between high ABSITE score and passingrepparttar 109234 written American Board of Surgery Certification Exam makes preparation worthwhile.

Inrepparttar 109235 recent years some new books and on-line curses makerepparttar 109236 preparation easier.

Alex Kavokin MD,

Cuda Apparel Offers Real-Life Business Training to High Schools Nationwide!!!

Written by Zane Troester

Continued from page 1

"To my knowledge, never before has a similar opportunity been provided to schools that offers such a unique educational opportunity plus provides revenue forrepparttar DECA or other school business clubs involved," says Troester, "From each purchase that is made fromrepparttar 109233 school’s websiterepparttar 109234 class or group that takes on this project will get a portion of each sale. The school is not required to stock inventory, bill customers or be concerned about shipping or handling. We do all this forrepparttar 109235 partnership”.

In addition torepparttar 109236 DECA classes and business clubs, art classes atrepparttar 109237 schools can get involved inrepparttar 109238 e-store creating designs to be placed ontorepparttar 109239 apparel and accessories. Thenrepparttar 109240 computer classes, business classes, or technology classes can addrepparttar 109241 products and descriptions torepparttar 109242 website. Revenues can be split between appropriate groups, or can go torepparttar 109243 coordinating entity andrepparttar 109244 others can receive credits.

All classes can benefit with this outstanding program;repparttar 109245 business classes and DECA Clubs can help other classes such as band and P.E. put together fund raisers usingrepparttar 109246 decorated apparel and accessories they sell on line. Cuda Apparel has several fundraisers already developed for schools to execute.

To see examples of these stores and to better understandrepparttar 109247 partnership go to then click onto custom apparel e-stores. For more information call (509) 325-0135 or 1-888-792-4278 or e-mail

Zane Troester is the General Manager a Cuda Apparel, Inc. which specializes in custom screenprinting and embroidery.

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