How far can people swoop?

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

The upper limit on distances for swooping now isrepparttar record that was set by Shannon Pilcher. He managed to swoop an entire 418 feet, or about 125 meters. When you consider that a football field is 300 ft, that's a long way!

In order to swoop that far, swoopers have to be going pretty fast before they hitrepparttar 141034 ground - at least a little bit faster than they would be if they were just sky diving normally. Swoopers usually pick up speed again nearrepparttar 141035 ground by making a few turns nearrepparttar 141036 ground. Going long distances is pretty difficult, since these last turns arerepparttar 141037 hardest part of sky diving.

It might be possible that there is a limit as to how far people can swoop. However, until that limit is reached, swoopers will continue to swoop farther and farther. As it is, however,repparttar 141038 distance you can count on somebody being able to swoop depends a lot on their experience andrepparttar 141039 type of equipment that they're using.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his website for the latest on this new and extreme way to skydive.

Swooping competitions

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

Swooping competitions also generally consist of several different rounds. This way, more than one skill is being tested throughrepparttar competition. Also, in this way,repparttar 141033 best overall swooper wins - and a single bad jump may average out inrepparttar 141034 end.

Before competing in swooping competitions, you may want to try competing in regular sky diving competitions for practice. Some ofrepparttar 141035 skills that you will use in order to do well in these competitions should help you as a sky diver - and you will be able to get used torepparttar 141036 stress of sky diving competitions before you find yourself getting ready to swoop competitively.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his website for the latest on this new and extreme way to skydive.

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