How energy efficient are you?

Written by Coach Pat Morgan

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Tips for Increasing Your Energy Efficiency... 1. SLOW DOWN. Give yourself permission to throttle back onrepparttar pace of your activities. Stretching yourself to meet demands on your time, energy, emotions and finances can leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Give yourself a break and let go of commitments and obligations that are robbing time and energy. Ask yourself: What will I do today to slow my pace? 2. TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF. Build time into your schedule to get quiet and relax. Unless you are intentional about setting aside time for yourself, it will be difficult to findrepparttar 103224 time. We all haverepparttar 103225 same 24 hours each day, we cannot manufacture more time. However, we can include ourselves inrepparttar 103226 schedule and set aside at least 5 minutes a day to relax and rejuvenate. Ask yourself: What step will I take today to create time for myself? 3. HAVE A MEDICAL CHECKUP. If you continuously feel tired or drained, perhaps there is a physical reason behind it. Having an annual exam can help you stay on top of health issues and give you peace of mind about your health. Ask yourself: Is it time for a medical checkup? When will I schedule an appointment? 4. BECOME MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT. We can easily become caught up in striving for success and struggling to meet demands on our time and energy. Most of us exert too much effort to create results. Then we wonder why we are tired, never have enough time and don't haverepparttar 103227 life we truly want. Why not make it a top priority to become energy efficient? Let go of pushing yourself. Ask yourself: What will I do this week to become more energy efficient? "And what is a man without energy? Nothing - nothing at all." Mark Twain

Coach Morgan is an Executive Coach helping business leaders excel. She is the author of “A Year of Smooth Sailing: 12 Strategies for Charting Your Course to a Great Life” and “Smooth Sailing Success” a publication providing tips for busy professionals. She is an adjunct professor at the University of Miami and a CoachU graduate. As an Executive Coach, she supports leaders and their teams in improving performance and achieving excellence.

I Wanna Hold Your Hand: First Time Homebuyers

Written by Elaine VonCannon

Continued from page 1
can changerepparttar financial profitability and personal outlook of one’s life. The power of purchasing property creates a refreshed sense of security and freedom. The tangible pay off of seeing your money in action creates confidence and pride. Renting takes onlyrepparttar 103223 present moment into account, buying allows you to invest in your own future. Unlike unpredictable rental fees, mortgage payments are stable or increase gradually. A mortgage payment increases your credit score and opens doors to other investment opportunities. A successful purchase allows you to personalize your living space, which gives yourepparttar 103224 motivation to stay on top of your investments. Take a look at your neighborhood and become more inspired, more proactive. Buildrepparttar 103225 perfect atmosphere and home and look forward to an even more exciting return on your investment.

Tax Incentives Make Buying The Better Choice

Buying a home allows you to build equity and have huge tax breaks. Mortgage interest and annual local and state property taxes are deductible. Sincerepparttar 103226 first few years of mortgage payments are mainly interest, and therefore deductible,repparttar 103227 savings is amazing. Up to $100, 000 interest on home equity loans can also be deducted. Loans and interest on loans used to improve a home withrepparttar 103228 intention of renting can be deducted, as well as, mortgage interest on second homes if you rent them. Capital improvements made to increaserepparttar 103229 value of a home can be recorded and reducerepparttar 103230 capital gains. To explore all ofrepparttar 103231 tax advantages of purchasing and owning a home remember to consult a professional in your area. The joy and accomplishment of ownership are waiting for you!

Elaine VonCannon is a REALTOR with RE/Max Capital in Williamsburg, Virginia, and she manages investment property as part of her business. Elaine is also an Accredited Buyer's Representative as well as a Senior Real Estate Specialist. She has helped numerous clients invest in and make money on property in Southeastern Virginia.

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