How Your Network Affects Your PR Ratings...

Written by Martin Lemieux

Continued from page 1

What you want to do is like I mentioned in a previous article, promote ALL your pages in as many web sites as you can. Find all related material to what you do.

Please don't get me wrong, owning a network is in no way harmful to have. The way a network will work successfully is by at least having one of your web sites already successful andrepparttar rest are tailing on it's success.

Trying to start an entire network from scratch is not only ludicrous, it would take a really good chunk of someone's budget just to make sure you would succeed in keeping up with repparttar 128123 demand.

All too many times, I see people promote their site for a month or so, realize it's a lot of work and start neglecting it completely. Never give up on your dream, you only have one person to blame, yourself.

Start slow, start with one site. Expand it until you are ready to move onto another on-going project. Always remember that by starting another site within your network will not only bring you more responsibilities but it will be your responsibility to make sure this new web site is successful and thatrepparttar 128124 old one isn't forgotten either.

So in conclusion: Don't only rely on your network to bring your page ranking up and always look for new sources to improve on promoting all your pages.

Hope this helps all of you!

Martin Lemieux Smartads - President

Affordable Web Design & Web Advertising /

Eye Catching Print Design


Marketing Tools /

A Network Of Web Sites Is Not Enough!

Written by Martin Lemieux

Continued from page 1

It is known now that google has come up with this "Sandbox" effect. This is simply known as keeping an eye on certain network of web sites andrepparttar targeted key phrases they are after.

So your site #1 isn'trepparttar 128122 target of this sandbox effect, it's your smaller, networked web site that is. Instead of getting any type of rank forrepparttar 128123 phrase "Boosting Ranking", this site is added to a pool of web sites that are doingrepparttar 128124 same thing. The catch is that this "pool" is nowhere to be found, unless you know how to look for it.

Onrepparttar 128125 other hand, your main, large web site will now take overrepparttar 128126 ranking for "Boosting Ranking" and will probably do pretty good within a search!!!

So does owning a network really help you? NO, not unless you know how to better your "smaller", network web sites so that they don't get caught in this "Sandbox Effect".

So how do you do that?

Simple, instead of relying on your network to boost your page ranking, outsource some of that strategy elsewhere. See, "Google" is only saying, if we don't do this to your network, then it gives yourepparttar 128127 sole ability to control your search engine rankings for all your sites. We are merely stating that we know you have a network and worked really hard to build it but we also want you to promote other peoples sites as well.

It's that simple. If you start today and keep building more links on other peoples web sites with your network, your entire network should see a big difference within 30 days of starting.

I hope this article helps you out!

Best Regards,

Martin Lemieux Smartads - President

Affordable Web Design & Web Advertising /

Eye Catching Print Design

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