How Your Decision Can Help Cure Mesothelioma Cancer Forever

Written by Marcus Schroefel

Continued from page 1

It only takes your decision to take action and to sign a petition online to help generate $30 million in federal money forrepparttar National Mesothelioma Research and Treatment Program.

The main focus ofrepparttar 113856 program isrepparttar 113857 early detection and prevention of mesothelioma cancer. To ensure that a cure is discovered and to help those that are already affected byrepparttar 113858 disease it targets also different areas of therapeutic research and education.

One ofrepparttar 113859 nicest things aboutrepparttar 113860 Internet is that you can quickly and always take action on whatever you want to make an instant change. So why not take advantage on this fact and help to saverepparttar 113861 lives of thousands just by digitally signing this online petition now?

For additional information visit:

Marcus Schroefel is an independent Internet publisher, researcher and educator who is focusing on holistic ways to improve lives for human beings especially through new media.

Food supplements for a hungry market

Written by Divakar

Continued from page 1

The product meets all international food safety and quality guidelines likerepparttar USFDA, JHFA and European health food standards. Each batch is regularly analysed atrepparttar 113855 in-house labs. Parry's Spirulina is also analysed in various international labs such as SGS at frequent intervals. The production facilities adhere to good manufacturing practices and has obtainedrepparttar 113856 GMP / Sanitation certification fromrepparttar 113857 Department of Health & Preventive Medicine. The production facility also hasrepparttar 113858 critical PFA (Prevention of Food Adulteration) license.

Parry Nutraceuticals is part ofrepparttar 113859 US$ one billion Murugappa Group and is one ofrepparttar 113860 best sources of micro algal health supplements and other speciality products. Parry Nutraceuticals products include Micro Algal Products like Organic Spirulina, Natural Mixed Carotenoids and Astaxanthin apart from Natural Lutein Esters, Tea Extracts - Green / White and Other Speciality Offerings.

Divakar Parry Nutraceuticals Parry House 43 Moore Street, Chennai - 600001. India Tel:0091-44-25306819 / 25306818 Fax:0091-44-25358114

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