How You Can Make Your Ad Command Attention

Written by Ronald Gibson

Continued from page 1

6. Use a headline that catchesrepparttar attention of your target audience. One ofrepparttar 147213 most effective ways is to use a free offer as your headline. The "shocking claim" headline can also be effective, provided that you can back up your claim, of course.

7. Make your ad's keywords and phrases stand out by enlargingrepparttar 147214 text. This technique works wonders with headlines and sub headlines.

8. Make your products list of benefits and features stand out by using a symbol in front of each of them. The symbol could be a dash, solid circle, star, etc.

9. Use sub headlines to break up your ad copy andto capture a skimmers eye. You could make them even more powerful by highlighting them with color.

10. Use attention grabbing adjectives to describe your product. For example sizzling, incredible, high power, ultramodern, killer, eye popping, etc. But, be careful not to overdo it.

Usingrepparttar 147215 above methods should dramatically improverepparttar 147216 chances that your ad will get noticed by potential customers. And that isrepparttar 147217 first step to ultimately makingrepparttar 147218 sale.

Ronald Gibson is a Web Designer and Web Marketer. He is the Webmaster of, which offers information about some of the best money making opportunities on the Web. For more information, visit:

Learn Judo and Beat the Summer Traffic Blues

Written by Stephen Munday

Continued from page 1

4. Create new partnerships

Your busy schedule may not allow you much time to do your own browsing, so take advantage of this slow traffic days to get out and look around a bit yourself. Are there any potential partners out there who you could work with to your mutual benefit? A new joint venture can potentially be worth hundreds of additional customers, so this time of browsing and exploring new possibilities has a huge potential payback.

5. Save your advertising bucks

You’re keeping track of your conversions as well as your visitor stats, right? Well, if you notice a drop-off around weekends, holidays or other vacation times then, whatever you do, don’t use paid advertising to make uprepparttar shortfall. If your search engine-generated free visitors aren’t inrepparttar 147176 mood to buy, visitors coming through paid advertising probably won’t either. Instead, save your money and use it at those times your historical data tell you giverepparttar 147177 best bang for your buck.

6. Have a summer sale and get rid of old stock

Kill two birds with one stone: Clear out old inventory while simultaneously encouraging those visitors you do have to spend money with you. Make sure you email all your previous customers aboutrepparttar 147178 summer deals too, and you may find you get a stampede of repeat visitors cleaning out your store.

7. Christmas is coming

You may not be able to hear those sleigh-bells just quite yet, but in retail terms, Christmas is just roundrepparttar 147179 corner. Have you thought about how you will getrepparttar 147180 most out of this year’s holiday season? Set your strategy now and ensure this year will see bumper sales.

8. Take a break yourself!

Come on, even following half of my suggestions is going to keep you very busy - even if you do have fewer visitors than usual. So,repparttar 147181 final thing to remember is that you are your site’s biggest asset and, since you need a break sometime too, why not take it now?

If your visitors are packing up and going torepparttar 147182 beach this summer, don’t panic: Learn a bit of Judo, and let “The Way of Flexibility” (the literal meaning of “Judo”) help you turn your summer blues into a bonanza of new opportunities.

About the Author

Stephen Munday lives in Japan. His most recent project is a Kanji name translation website where you can get your name in beautiful Japanese calligraphy. This article is (c) Stephen Munday 2005. Permission is given to reproduce this article in whole with the URLs correctly hyperlinked.

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