How You Can Host a Successful Open House

Written by Bea Fields

Continued from page 1

(5) Choose a time of year when you know your business will look its best, and a time that weather will not interfere with attendance. Spring and early fall arerepparttar best times of year for hosting an open house.

(6) Assign a host/hostess committee to greet people as they arrive.

(7) Offer peoplerepparttar 121112 option to take a tour, but do not makerepparttar 121113 tour a requirement. People often want to attend strictly for social reasons or to unwind.

(8) If your place of business contains an oven, bake something with a pleasing aroma (such as cinnamon) 30 minutes prior torepparttar 121114 event. Pleasant food aromas instill fond memories in people which can help others connect to you more easily.

(9) Hire a professional cleaning servicerepparttar 121115 day ofrepparttar 121116 event to make your place of business sparkle and shine. You want your business to look and feel neat, clean, and professional.

(10) Takerepparttar 121117 day off before your event. You want to be well-rested so that you can have fun

This article was written and submitted by Bea Fields. Bea is a Business Coach, Consultant, Trainer, and Public Speaker. Her area of expertise is that of Environmental Design and Leadership Development for Executives, Managers, Small Business Owners, and Political Leaders. She may be contacted at or visited on the web at

Strategies For Building Client Retention

Written by Bea Fields

Continued from page 1

5. Partner with your clients in a marketing effort, workshop, or special event. The more opportunities you have to spend with your clients,repparttar more you will connect on a personal basis.

6. Provide value every day. Freebies and discounts are a great way to keep clients and make new ones. A free car wash, hair cut, facial, or gift certificate are always popular. Offer something unique to show your customers that you are creative and open to new ideas.

7. Followrepparttar 121111 successes of companies that have a reputation for outstanding customer service. By learning fromrepparttar 121112 pros, your business will grow and improve.

8. Connect with your clients on common ground. Find out what you share in common with your clients. They will remember you and develop a sense of friendship.

9. Spend time with your competition, and know what they are doing. In this competitive world, it is difficult to stay ahead. Design a suggestion box for customers to let you know about better prices and better service.

10. Remember! Your customers are always right even if they're wrong. Thank your customers for both positive and negative comments. Do all in your power to make them happy

This article was written and submitted by Bea Fields. Bea is a Business Coach, Consultant, Trainer, and Public Speaker. Her area of expertise is that of Environmental Design and Leadership Development for Executives, Managers, Small Business Owners, and Political Leaders. She may be contacted at or visited on the web at

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