How You Can Avoid My Data Recovery Nightmare

Written by John R. Barker

Continued from page 1

We lost everything.

Including my laptop and a lot of precious information. Email addresses, new projects, software, my audio library. Customer testimonials, purchase records, receipts, passwords, bookmarks and more.

Fortunately a lot of it was backed up. Well, at leastrepparttar guts of my business. But if it had been backed up better, I'd have saved myself a lot of headaches and a LOT of money.

It's easy to put off subjects like data recovery, data backups and disaster preparedness. There are more pressing things to be done, and what arerepparttar 102824 odds? Right? When you considerrepparttar 102825 many things that can happen to your data, regular data backups are just smart.

Don't get burned like I did - be prepared.

Backup Your Data

To see what's left of my living room, visit

To see what's left of my living room, visit

John R. Barker is an Internet marketer. His unexpected life disaster has inspired him to launch a site that will, hopefully help you from enduring the same.

Georgia Manufacturer’s Representative to Be Profiled in Industrial Connection by Associate Editor TR Cutler

Written by Thomas Cutler

Continued from page 1

Industrial Connection isrepparttar only Manufacturing dedicated publication coveringrepparttar 102823 Southeastern United States, with emphasis in Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina. Cutler added that, “We are going to generate a series of articles about quality, and manufacturing process improvement from Six Sigma to Lean Manufacturing Certification, Electronic Kanban to Job Scheduling. Circulation ofrepparttar 102824 publication is 15,000 and distribution is free of charge. Cutler writes for hundreds of other publications each year ( and will consider further profiles of manufacturer’s representatives based on participation inrepparttar 102825 Industrial Connection program. Cutler also serves asrepparttar 102826 spokesperson forrepparttar 102827 ETO (Engineer-to-Order) Institute (

TR Cutler Associate Editor Industrial Connection e-mail protected from spam bots 888-902-0300

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