How To Write Killer Sales Letters

Written by John Colanzi

Continued from page 1

The third step in writing your killer copy is to let your prospects know that there is a solution to their problem. Not only is there a solution to their problem, but you haverepparttar solution.

Remember these three magic words, "I can help."

Identifyingrepparttar 108186 problem is not enough. You have to show repparttar 108187 reader that there is a solution and you have it.

Tell them every benefit they will get when they order your product or take advantage of your service.

Let them know you can help them make more money, save time, or improve their health.

Step # 4.

The final step in creating killer ad copy is getting repparttar 108188 prospect to take action.

Identifying your market, determining their problems and letting them know you haverepparttar 108189 solution, is not enough.

You have to make them act.

You have to create a sense of urgency.

There are many ways you can do this. You can offer a special discount for fast action.

You can offer special fast action bonuses.

Ask forrepparttar 108190 order.

Let them know they don't have to put up with their problems another day. You can solve them right now.

These four steps are a basic outline to get you started.

Start studyingrepparttar 108191 sales letters you read and break them down intorepparttar 108192 four basic steps. Determine how effectiverepparttar 108193 writer was in coveringrepparttar 108194 bases.

Make notes on how you could improve onrepparttar 108195 sales letter. Learning to write persuasive copy is a life long venture.

You can write persuasive copy. You haverepparttar 108196 basics,repparttar 108197 rest is up to you.

Wishing You Success, John Colanzi

Copyright (c) 2000 - 2002 John Colanzi. John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter. To subscribe Don't forget to get your free email course. "Five Days To Launching A Successful MLM Business."

The Free-Reprint Articles Powerhouse and Copyright Law

Written by Bill Platt

Continued from page 1

Folks, if you are just getting started in using free-reprint articles to promote your business, please realize that it is completely unnecessary to stealrepparttar words of others! Inspiration resides in all of us, and we can find it inrepparttar 108185 most bizarre of places.

Back to my original article on this topic, which was written for Max Shifrin (one of my ghost writing clients byrepparttar 108186 way), this is what I said:

When in doubt, I always turn torepparttar 108187 search engines to find inspiration. I might have a general subject in mind, but I might not know how I want to address it. That is until I am reading someone else's view of this subject, and Boom!, inspiration strikes.

A spark goes off inrepparttar 108188 old brain and I know exactly where I am going tonight. I know exactly how I will proceed with my new issue and article.

When I am done, you could look atrepparttar 108189 original source and never understand how I decided my slant onrepparttar 108190 article. That is becauserepparttar 108191 source being read only serves to spark repparttar 108192 inspiration from whichrepparttar 108193 article will be written.

To read this article in context, clickrepparttar 108194 following redirect link and readrepparttar 108195 second article called "Online Publishing: Where Do You Want to Go Today?":


This topic is being addressed today for one very important reason. I keep seeing my words pop up inrepparttar 108196 articles of another! These words are derived from articles I write in my own name and inrepparttar 108197 articles written for my clients. While everyone can read this article, it is actually only intended for one person. They know who they are.

Inrepparttar 108198 meantime, this article also serves as a warning to those who are just getting started with this very lucrative promotional technique. There really is no reason at all for anyone to steal from another to become successful online. When we tell you to copy what works, we are not telling you to literally steal what is working for us!

And torepparttar 108199 one person who is choosing theft asrepparttar 108200 basis of their business, be forewarned. I am watching you and gathering a portfolio of examples to use against you in a court of law. When I have gathered together my case, you will be hearing from my attorney. Funny thing is, you do not know how many people I actually ghost write for, so you have absolutely no idea how deeply you are exposed! Thinking on Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland", how deep doesrepparttar 108201 rabbit hole go? Think about it.

There is only one way forrepparttar 108202 perpetrator to avoidrepparttar 108203 courtroom in this case. Make your confessions and agree to my terms for keeping yourself out ofrepparttar 108204 court room. This is not just about me and my ego. This is aboutrepparttar 108205 value ofrepparttar 108206 work that has been done for my clients who have been ripped off as well. The ball is now in your court. I will await your message.

Folks, honesty is alwaysrepparttar 108207 best policy. Honesty will keep you out of court and inrepparttar 108208 black. Find inspiration where it may reside and use that inspiration to join those of us who are inrepparttar 108209 5%, by usingrepparttar 108210 powerhouse that free-reprint articles represent inrepparttar 108211 process of growing your online business.

Bill Platt owns The Phantom Writers, a company committed to helping people to establish an Internet presence & promote their businesses through the use of Free-Reprint Articles. All articles are distributed to 6,500+ publishers & web-masters as part of the package. Do you write your own articles? Let us distribute them for you.,50

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