How To Write A Profit Pulling Article

Written by Rich Hamilton, Jr

Continued from page 1

Your article title should reach out and grabrepparttar reader's attention and compell them to want to read it immediately. The best thing to do when trying to come up with an article title is to writerepparttar 120883 biggest benefit that your reader will receive while they are reading it. The biggest benefit may not berepparttar 120884 exact article title, but it is a good place to start.

When I choose a title for an article I write down several before I intially select a one. So don't choose just one title, write down several different ones, getrepparttar 120885 feel ofrepparttar 120886 word variations, and tweakrepparttar 120887 weak areas.


Most ofrepparttar 120888 articles out there are nothing more than an abstracted sales pitch or material that does not contain any valuable information, therefore is useless torepparttar 120889 reader. The best way to get your article read, is to educaterepparttar 120890 reader. Any good article will be educational to their readers and have some sort of value. If you can't sell your article, than don't publish it.

If you publish a poorly written article, then people will not read it. This will have an impact on your credibility and on any future articles you publish, so do it rightrepparttar 120891 first time by educating them.


If you want to make some cash with your article, then atrepparttar 120892 end of it, will berepparttar 120893 time to promote your product, service, or affiliate program. Make sure thatrepparttar 120894 product, service, or affiliate program is relevant torepparttar 120895 article, you'd be suprised at how many people get this wrong.

Not sure, let me give you an example, I previously wrote an article that was entitled "The Wrong Email Format Can Destroy Your Offer". In this particular article I discussedrepparttar 120896 advantages and disadvantages of text and html email formats. Atrepparttar 120897 end ofrepparttar 120898 article I presented an autoresponder that is capable of performing both formats.

If you promote a product, service, or affiliate program that corresponds withrepparttar 120899 article, your chances of getting a click through is very high. If you don't have a product or service that corresponds withrepparttar 120900 article, then I recommend finding an affiliate program that does.

Rich Hamilton, Jr is the CEO/President of a.k.a. Elites Marketing, Inc and the Author of "Inside Internet Marketing". Unlock the absolute truth internet marketing without ever paying a cent for advertising.

12 Mistakes That Will Run You Definitely Out Of Business

Written by Valeriu S. Popescu

Continued from page 1

Readrepparttar Internet Marketing Profits Newsletter, issue 30 ( for more information on building huge, targeted, e-mail lists.

Nowrepparttar 120882 best part: you can automate this process by using autoresponders. These are wonderful internet marketing tools that literally skyrockets your profits. Remember: no follow- up, no profits! There is nothing left to say here.

9. Get NOW your prospects motivated to act immediately

If you'll allow prospects time to see another offer, you definitely lose your sale. What isrepparttar 120883 best approach?

Tell your prospects you have a solution for their problems and use as a method to catch them quickly. Use things like expiration dates, cash discounts, bonuses, special limited offers, coupons, etc.

10. Deadly Web Site Sins

Your web site creates a first impression of you and your business torepparttar 120884 world. It is an insane to have a great product/ service but a lousy web design. Onrepparttar 120885 Internet time is money. You work hard to get prospects to your web site. Wouldn't be a great loss to send them away because you have an ugly and inaccessible website?

Some important elements a good web sites must have: fast download time, correct spelling/ grammar, easy and logical internal navigation, good and useful content, workable links, browsers compatible, control of graphics and animation, contact information, a good balance between graphic and text, use ofrepparttar 120886 right colors and text fonts.

11. You don't know very much about your customers or subscribers

What your customer wants NEW from you? Did you ask them how they are, what other problems they have? Did you built a good relationship, treat them correctly EVERYTIME? Do you knowrepparttar 120887 value of a life-time customer? How much they are eager to buy from you? How much time they are ready to spend on your website? What'srepparttar 120888 best price they are ready to pay for a new product or service? How they feel, where they live, what bothers them?...

If you don't have certain answers to these questions, let me tell you this: you'll losing big money online! Start finding answers to these questions TODAY, before it's not too late!

12. Are you a quitter?

"My best was never good enough!" - this must be your logo forrepparttar 120889 next months. Even you failed in one direction think positive: you lose only a battle, notrepparttar 120890 whole war.

There can be no success, no achievement without sacrifice! Above everything, you must fix your mind onrepparttar 120891 development of your plans, strengthening on self reliance. Andrepparttar 120892 higher you lifts your ideals,repparttar 120893 greater will be your success and achievements.

Please go back and read again about these 12 mistakes. Step inside one of these fatal traps and you'll be finished... even before you'll get started!

Attention Ezine Publishers/ Site Owners

Feel free to reprint this article is its entirety in your newsletter/ ezine or website as long as you leave all links in place, do not alteraterepparttar 120894 content and include our resource box as listed above. If you do use repparttar 120895 material please send us a note so we can take a look. Thanks!

Valeriu S. Popescu is the editor of the "Internet Marketing Profits Newsletter", an internet marketing gazette dedicated to help new marketers to drive thousands of targeted visitors to their websites or affiliate links. Proven tips, tricks, techniques and strategies revealed every single month! Click here to read past issue full of marketing tips:

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