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pieces together to create a viable solution for Band-Aid was based around our vision of using their product launch marketing strategy integrated with this ‘stand alone’ micro-site to build brand equity and create product visibility," says Dascal.
"The results we anticipated after creating
site were strong micro-site traffic urging consumers to go out and purchase
product at
retail level."
CONCLUSION "The use of micro-sites for
launch of any brand or service is innovative," insists Dascal. "Band-Aid managed to keep marketing dollars relatively low with
ability to reach a large crowd. We’re seeing many companies, from small to large, using
internet from
initial strategic planning phase as a core element to their integrated marketing programs. Companies that focus on strong branding understand how much technology and tools like a micro-site allows them to keep budgets pragmatic with high-end results."
Dascal continues: "Consumers were able to educate themselves regarding
unique product benefits of Band-Aid Brand Liquid Bandage which led to general trials and, hopefully, repeat purchases. The micro-site also enabled Johnson & Johnson to gather consumer information through
online promotions and offer an accessible channel for Band-Aid to speak directly with their consumers."
"The success of
Band-Aid Brand Liquid Bandage micro-site was, in large part, due to Johnson & Johnson’s dedication to ensuring a successful campaign," says Dascal. "This included excellent lines of communications between d/a interactive and Johnson & Johnson, a strong working relationship with
entire team that was involved in this launch, and everyone’s enthusiasm to use contests and promotions coupled with strong and relevant content to make
micro-site have inherent value."
FUTURE "We are now in discussions with Johnson & Johnson about building a full-fledged Band-Aid product information website that will reflect their brand and entire line of products," concludes Dascal.
"We’re also seeing a lot of other clients interested in building micro-sites for product launches and to test
waters of micros-sites prior to committing to a robust website.
The Band-Aid Brand Liquid Bandage micro-site proved that packaged goods companies can use
internet to establish their brand both online and offline. We’re seeing clients from all sectors of industry now looking at micro-sites to deliver precise, informative and influential information coupled with intelligent calls to action and incentives."
ABOUT D/A INTERACTIVE Formed in 1996, d/a interactive is
new media arm of Dascal & Associates. Dascal & Associates is an integrated marketing, design and new media agency delivering solutions that drive business through effective and creative communications. With offices in Canada and
United States,
company has successfully produced off-line and online marketing strategies for companies and brands like Gillette, Johnson & Johnson, Keri Lotion, Kodiak and many others. Dascal & Associates has extensive knowledge in product launches, business-to-business communications, merchandising, point-of-purchase and promotional campaigns. Through extensive work in health and beauty care, consumer packaged goods, biomedical, personal diagnostics, industrial and
fashion and apparel industry, please contact us to see how we can help make your next marketing campaign a success.

Mitch Joel is a Montreal-based freelance writer who published one of the first magazines to go online in 1994. Joel is co-owner of Twist Image, a multimarketing studio that delivers design, content and technology to companies such as Bombardier Recreation, Ben & Jerry’s and Sony Music Canada.