How To Submit Your Make Money Article

Written by Jeff Schuman

Continued from page 1

Trade With Other Publishers-Start Your Own AutoSubmit

Do you publish an ezine of your own? If you do you know that it is tough to constantly come up with fresh articles of your own. How about finding other ezine publishers that would run an article of yours in their ezine in exchange for you running their article in yours.

Run a few ads in an ad group like Theresa at MyWizardAds: offers:

Or here with 2 Bucks An Ad:

Set up an autoresponder and call it something like "publishers." Load your first message with an offer to trade ads and articles. Set a goal to add 5 publishers a day to your autoresponder. I prefer Aweber or GetResponse.

Add publishers ofrepparttar ezines you have subscribed to. Then subscribe to more. Keep adding publishers everyday to your autoresponder.

Whenever you write an article shoot it out to everyone in your autoresponder. In a year's time you could easily have over 1,000 publishers hearing from you about your new article.

Your cost for this was a little bit of time everyday.

Submit It Manually

I saved this for last because it is my least favorite, but if money is an issue for you and you have time then just start contacting ezine publishers and article directories one at a time and offer your article. Do a Google Search:

Type in ezine publishers. Then type in article directories. Start submitting your articles torepparttar 116709 directories and to other ezine publishers.

Here are 3 very good places to manually submit your articles:




Over a period of time you will see your articles popping up all overrepparttar 116710 place. All of this takes time, but is well worthrepparttar 116711 effort.

What isrepparttar 116712 point of writing a great article and never having anybody see it.

Jeff Schuman helps people make money online and make money at home with his 4 websites.

Managing Your Time In Your New Home Based Business

Written by Sandi Moses

Continued from page 1

If you are thinking, “but I quit work so I didn’t have to be scheduled!” remember that this is YOUR schedule, not someone else’s. You can take as many breaks as you need, and you can take them whenever you need them, not when you are told to go. You are working intorepparttar schedule YOUR needs and your family‘s needs, notrepparttar 116708 needs ofrepparttar 116709 company for whom you used to work. Because you have control over what is happening instead of being atrepparttar 116710 mercy of someone else, you can handle it!

And one last thing: you will never, ever have to come home so exhausted that you stand atrepparttar 116711 kitchen sink in you coat and high heels doing dishes because you know that if you stop to take them off, you will never get up to getrepparttar 116712 dishes done. And yes, I actually heard of some poor soul who did that.

Sandi Moses has been involved in internet marketing since November, 2003. Visit her sites at

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