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But, let's get back to beginning and help you to learn what it takes to succeed in mail order. Don't believe those ads that tell you it doesn't take any money. First off, you are going to need envelopes: #10 mailing envelopes with your name and return address imprinted in upper left corner. You'll also need a return reply envelope with your name and return address on face of envelope with each #10 envelope you send out. These can be either #6 or #9 return envelopes. Ask your printer or office supply store to let you inspect samples.
To realize profits of any consequence, you'll need to send out at least a thousand, preferably five thousand letters per mailing. And to back this up, you'll need a supply of envelopes for your acknowledgment and follow-up offers. You can purchase imprinted mailing and return reply envelopes from your local quick print shop; but for better prices, and with thought in mind of keeping your costs in line, it's best to shop around for best prices. Generally speaking, you'll find lowest prices offered by those printers who do business by mail. Look for "printing by mail" advertisements in all mail order publications you come across. Write to them for a price list and a sampling of their work.
In order to be properly equipped to run your mail order business properly you are going to need a good supply of envelopes (both normal size and large), shipping labels and letterhead paper.
You will also need access to reliable business partners for circular printing, typesetting, graphic layout and design, copywriting assistance, booklet printing, hardback book printing, business cards and poster printing.
As you can see, mail order business is very closely tied in with printing business. Unless you have your own printing plant, always shop around for best prices and keep your production costs in line.
Once you've gotten your envelopes ready, and your circulars made up, you'll need a potential customer list. Again, don't believe advertisements and free advice which states that all you have to do is send your materials out to a fresh opportunity seekers list. I have found that best prospects are those people who have purchased similar or related items.
Here again, Premier Publishers can help out. They generally receive 2,000 new names each month. These names come from Premier's national advertising...people who are interested in new ways of making money...easier ways of building a mail order business.
Certainly Premier responds to all these inquiries, but they do not offer same items various dealers and distributors are offering. Premier offers their mailing lists for rental. Write for current description of names which are available.
When selecting a supplier to work with in mail order business, always be sure they are quick to fill your orders. Customer complaints are last thing you want, and poor service leads to dissatisfied and lost customers. Always be sure your supplier protects your customer list, and always make sure he goes that extra mile to work with you, and not just for his own profits. This is kind of service you want from your supplier.
Finally, you'll need to consider advertising different offerings you have for sale. We suggest that you start small with a few experimental ads in your local paper or shopping news. Then you can move on to bigger publications.
Richard Glanville publishes the "Status Report" which provides a complete multimedia online learning experience to anyone interested in making a serious online income from the comfort of their own home. Subscribe today by sending a blank e-mail to