How To Sell Your Products and Services Now

Written by Diana Barnum

Continued from page 1

7. Give a money back guarantee that surpasses a normal one. Instead ofrepparttar normal timed guarantee, give them extra back. Tell them they can keeprepparttar 103293 free bonus. Add their bonuses right in your site's shopping cart. Get ideas for shopping cart set up, with a 30-day trial, plus some product subscriptions sites that offer product you can sell, by visiting:

8. Tell your reader they'll receive surprise bonuses. Raise your reader's curiosity and make them want to buy, so they can find out whatrepparttar 103294 surprise bonuses are.

9. Let your reader know this specific package will not be offered again. You must create urgency so people buy now. Package your products and services up with something new each month to offer variety and a reason to invite prospects, clients and new site visitors to take a look. For example, add new content from an affordable monthly ebook wholesaler who offers two new ebooks each month complete with their own web pages with content and graphics for a quick, simple, professional choice. Get more ideas here:

10. Give readers a couple tips in your ad copy that will help them with their problems. This will give your business credibility and gain your readers’ trust to buy your products or services.

No need to reinventrepparttar 103295 wheel, either. Get affordable help alongrepparttar 103296 way. Take your cyber-tour today and check outrepparttar 103297 Work Stations at: . And you’ll find that help is as simple as ABC!

By Diana Barnum, president of and CEO of . For more help with marketing, public relations and writing, email or call: (614) 529-9459.

Franchises - A proven Business System

Written by Ernie Horning

Continued from page 1

Duringrepparttar first few weeks of businessrepparttar 103292 Franchisor may provide its own personel torepparttar 103293 Franchisee for assistance and support. This helps ensure a smooth opening. Additionally, oncerepparttar 103294 business is open, a Franchisee will receive ongoing assistance and support fromrepparttar 103295 Franchisor, not to mention support fromrepparttar 103296 other franchisees, all who are all just a phone call away.

Once a year or more Franchise Meetings occur betweenrepparttar 103297 Franchisor and their Franchisees to exchange ideas, develop new techniques and startegies, and to compare progress and profits.

All of this is not free, of course. Franchisees normally payrepparttar 103298 Franchisor an initial Franchise Fee, plus monthly royalties which can range from 3% - 12% of their total income per month. But it can be well worth it!

In owning a Franchise, you are in business for yourself, but you are not by yourself!



Ernie Horning is Franchise Consultant and owner of multiple businesses. He is a former franchise owner and writes articles for


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