How To Sell On Ebay: The Money Is In The Back-End

Written by Isaiah Hull

Continued from page 1

Your customers have already a) purchased from you and b) agreed to receive special offers. From here, it shouldn’t be too hard to get follow-up sales. They are already hooked--just give them a good offer.

For instance, you could send out special offers for complementary products at certain intervals. You could target people who purchased digital cameras and offer them sticks of memory at a discounted price, but only if they buy within a certain amount of days afterrepparttar close ofrepparttar 147629 auction. You could dorepparttar 147630 same thing with camera bags--and also set a specific date.

If you sell jewelry, you could offer customers a matching set of earrings for a necklace at a discount. Or cleaning tools. Or a jewelry box.

There are a number of different ways in which you can structure your Ebay post-sales follow-up with your autoresponder. There are only two real rules you should follow:

1) Do not, under any circumstances, add people to your list who did not specifically ask to be added to it. It is illegal and unethical, and it could land you in jail; and

2) Make sure you are targetingrepparttar 147631 right people with repparttar 147632 right follow-up pitch. If you’re trying to sell discount plastic dinosaurs to someone who just bought a case of motor oil, you probably wont get repparttar 147633 response you want.

. . .other than that, it is completely up to you. Come up with some creative ideas; put them to work; and you can easily double or triplerepparttar 147634 lifetime worth of each customer who shops at your Ebay store. - Written by Isaiah Hull, author of "How to Profit on Ebay In Seven Days Without Spending A Single Penny." For a limited time only you can get a pre-publication copy of his book for ONE-FOURTH the post-publication price!

How To Sell On Ebay: Pricing Strategy

Written by Isaiah Hull

Continued from page 1

In addition, knowing that she will lose nothing anyway, she will realize that she can getrepparttar item up to ten days sooner if she usesrepparttar 147628 BIN option to order it then, rather than waiting forrepparttar 147629 auction clock to tick down.

The strategy I described above is very safe. I use it forrepparttar 147630 majority of my auctions and I always get positive results. At worst, it will take me 3-4 weeks to sell an item, but I wont ever lose money. I just adjustrepparttar 147631 price to compensate for additional fees.

Strategy #3

Another effective way to use a ten-day setting is in conjunction with dutch auctions--or auctions that sell a number ofrepparttar 147632 same item. Ten-day auctions will give yourepparttar 147633 longest amount of time to moverepparttar 147634 highest amount of products.

You may also want to feature ten-day dutch auctions, depending on what items you are selling. If you’re selling information products and rely onrepparttar 147635 quantity of sales for profit, this wont be effective; but if you’re selling a number of expensive, high profit-margin items, featuring your auction is probably a good idea.


If none of these strategies works for you, you should considerrepparttar 147636 following two things: 1)repparttar 147637 price other Ebay businesses sell your product for. If someone else IS selling your product, there is a reason for it - and it’s probablyrepparttar 147638 price. If you cannot afford to sell at a reasonable price, you need to find a new source to buy from. And if your product’s price is reasonable, then 2) you need to redesign your auction and find new ways of pulling in targeted traffic. - Written by Isaiah Hull, author of "How to Profit on Ebay In Seven Days Without Spending A Single Penny." For a limited time only you can get a pre-publication copy of his book for ONE-FOURTH the post-publication price!

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