How To Realistically Set Your Fees - Part 5

Written by Chuck & Sue DeFiore

Continued from page 1

There is a second type of price conscious client that is concerned withrepparttar quality and type of service being provided to them. You may lose this type of client with a price increase, but you'll find that they will be very apologetic about it. These clients truly can not affordrepparttar 117677 higher rates. They are usually a dream to work with, and I hate to lose them. In this situation, I will try a number of ways to keep them.

Your newer clients usually react in a more neutral manner to a rate increase. They haven't been with you long enough to get a true baseline on your fee structures. You stand a very good chance of keeping these clients ifrepparttar 117678 reasons forrepparttar 117679 rate increase are explained to them and not just dropped on them.

I find that I lose about 5-6% of my clients when I raise my fees. Usually, I suffer no income loss because my higher rates absorb their loss. Remember,repparttar 117680 bottom line is you are selling your time, you must makerepparttar 117681 most efficient and profitable use of it. If your rates stay around market level, you should have little or no trouble finding new clients.

Copyright 2000, DeFiore Enterprises.

Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 17 years, and they can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses.

How Do You Want To Spend The Rest Of Your Life?

Written by Chuck & Sue DeFiore

Continued from page 1

The next stage is "There's so much to learn and do." Yes, there is, if you do something you don't know about. However, why not start with something you are familiar with and interested in. If you don't, be prepared for a lot of learning and research. However, whether it is an area you are familiar with or new, education is crucial and ongoing. This is what successful business people do. "The day you stop learning, isrepparttar first day you start going out of business". You have to make a commitment. If you can't do this, then stay in that 9 to 5 rut. Harsh, I know, but true.

Think about where you want to be in a year, five years, or ten years from now. Wererepparttar 117676 choices you maderepparttar 117677 right ones? Don't be someone who says, twenty years from now, "If only I had". As Apollo said in Rocky III, "There is no tomorrow". However, this requires that you take responsibility for your situation, rather than blaming everyone and everything else, and keep hoping that "something will happen" or "things will change", they won't! You need to berepparttar 117678 one who changes and accepts responsibility for yourself and your family. You want you and your family to be happy. Think of what is best for you and your family. With your own business, you are in control, not someone else.

To create this security and real worth, you have to do it yourself. You need to educate yourself. You have to take hold of an opportunity when it presents itself. You have to force yourself to change.

You need.. "The ability to focus on a dream...andrepparttar 117679 determination to make it real."

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The last stage is to start today - since there is no tomorrow on your path to success.

Good luck and Remember, Who Makes It Happen, You Do!

Copyright 2000, DeFiore Enterprises.

Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 17 years, and they can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses.

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