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My old Signature was one of those boring 3 line sigs with company name, contact information and URL.
Any time I replied to an email message it included that short signature at
end. Sure, I dabbled with other longer sigs but I never noticed much of a difference. That is, until I wised up and started targeting my sigs to each prospect...
THE FIX: Rather than use
same sig with every email, I now select from a menu of four separate signatures. Each one I created is geared to assist different people. It's usually pretty simple to tell from an email message what type of product or service each person may be most interested in. Now, before I click "send" on any message, I simply use Eudora's drop down menu and select one of my four pre- written signature files.
I suggest you take a few moments to set up three or four different signatures right now. Each one will be a mini-ad designed to assist specific customers and prospects. The sigs should also carefully promote each of your top products and services.
Tip: I've found that writing
signatures in a "P.S." format can be very effective since it looks like part of
email message itself.
Once you're done setting up some sigs, put them into action. That's
easy part... Before you click "send" on any email message, select
signature that would fit best with
recipient's needs. You'll quickly find that each client you deal with really does fit in well with one particular recommendation. This simple strategy can increase your online income more than you can imagine!
Tip by Jim Daniels of JDD Publishing. Did you find this tip helpful? There's plenty more like this at Jim's website, ... For Weekly Online Marketing Help, get Jim's Free BizWeb E-Gazette! or visit right now!