How To Reach Any Goal You Set Without Lowering Your Expectations

Written by Veronica Lim

Continued from page 1

Many people makerepparttar mistake of discountingrepparttar 122902 small events alongrepparttar 122903 way, thinking that it was easy or that anyone could have done it, and so they don't really count. At other times, they just keep thinking about "the big one" and they miss allrepparttar 122904 elements that have already come together.

Sometimes, they may even beat themselves up for not having yet achieved their big goal, getting impatient, and failing to notice that they already achieved many mini-goals to be proud of.

It's rather likerepparttar 122905 mountain climber who never noticesrepparttar 122906 mountain they've just climbed because they're only looking atrepparttar 122907 one they are just about to climb next.

Each mini-goal, no matter how small, and no matter how easy, will contribute towardsrepparttar 122908 big one.

Just as each step contributed to each mile that Stu Mittleman took when he ran 1,000 miles did.

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Veronica Lim is a leading author, speaker and executive coach with homes in London and New Zealand. Veronica went from zero financial assets and a mindset of financial worry to having a clear sense of financial well-being in less than five years. She now teaches people how to do the same in her book, DARE To Be Happy...

I Want Success! What Does That Mean To You?

Written by Maureen Oliver

Continued from page 1

Your subconscious will kick in and start letting you know what it is you REALLY do want.

If you're anything like me, once I read over what I've written that little inner critic of mine gets to going and asks me stuff like, "Are you nuts? How are YOU ever going to accomplish that?" or "What makes you think YOU have what it takes?"

She can be a tad nasty at times, that little critic of mine.

Whenever your inner critic tries to tear down your efforts of becoming more of who you truly are, rememberrepparttar words of Marianne Williamson as spoken by Nelson Mandela in his inaugural speech, "Your playing small does not serverepparttar 122901 world...Who are YOU not to be great?"


Maureen Oliver is a Reiki Master/Teacher and student of success principles. For more information on using affirmations and success quotes to improve your chances of living a fulfilling and prosperous life visit:

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