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2. Make it easy for your prospects to take action. Be sure to include a “call to action” in your direct mail piece that helps steer your potential clients into purchasing your product or service. Maybe it’s a time-sensitive offer, “Free Hosting For 1 Year - Offer good until June 6th, 2005.” Or perhaps it’s a coupon code, “Buy One Get One Free - Visit our website or call 1-800-555-5555 and mention code BFREE.” Regardless, it is always a good idea to have your website and a 1-800 number listed on
mail piece.
3. Choose
path to least resistence. Carefully select
type of mailer and message that you want to send. If you send a postcard, then your recipient doesn’t have to actually open anything. So many letters get thrown in
trash before ever being opened. A bright, high-color postcard doesn’t have to be opened and will most likely be read by
4. Make sure that you can track results. By including a coupon code or a unique 1-800 number, you will be able to track which mailing
prospect is contacting you from. You must keep good tracking records in order to figure out which mailing gives you
greatest response rate.
5. Stay committed to your marketing campaign. So many novice marketers will try a mailing only once. This is a big mistake. Persistence and commitment are both vital if you want to instill confidence in your prospects. After several impressions made on a prospect, it is more likely that
prospect will trust your company and purchase your product of service.
If you have any questions or would like help with designing your direct mail campaign, feel free to contact EarthQuake Studios by visiting us at

EarthQuake Studios thrives on the leading edge of innovation, continually developing services that enable our clients to improve their business models. Our service offerings include web design & development, website hosting, domain name registrations, marketing communications, full-color print advertising & collateral, intranet / portal development, e-commerce, email solutions, search engine optimization, SSL certificates and digital photography.