How To Promote Your Business – A 10 step guide for beginners

Written by Trent Brownrigg

Continued from page 1

Link exchanges are great for getting your website ranked highly in search engines such as Google. Then when people search for your keywords they find your site. This takes a lot of time and work but is great for a huge amount of targeted traffic inrepparttar end. 6) Ezines – Ezines are one ofrepparttar 120483 best sources of information onrepparttar 120484 web. They can make a huge impact on your marketing success if used correctly. Most Ezines offer ad space that you can buy for fairly cheap. Some even accept ads for free. You can also write articles (explained above) and submit them to Ezines to get free exposure.

The Directory of Ezines (DOE) is well-known asrepparttar 120485 premier resource forrepparttar 120486 best Ezines. You can findrepparttar 120487 DOE at http:/

To help ensure you find quality Ezines to advertise in you should check to see how many subscribers they have. The morerepparttar 120488 better but make sure their list is 100% opt-in because some will try and make themselves look more popular than they really are. Also, make sure there aren’t too many ads to compete with. Some Ezines will accept virtually unlimited ads. Your ad will probably never be seen in an Ezine that allows this. I really likerepparttar 120489 DOE (link above) because they have already checkedrepparttar 120490 Ezines for quality to make it much easier on you. 7) Word-of-mouth - Well, this one’s easy. Tell everyone you know or meet about your business and tell them to tell everyone they know about it too.

Here is a great article about this topic: 8) Fliers - Post fliers in places where a lot of people go. Supermarkets, sign poles, under windshield wipers in large parking lots (you might want to askrepparttar 120491 owner ofrepparttar 120492 lot before doing that), universities, anywhere else you can think of---you getrepparttar 120493 picture. You can also just hand them out to people at large events. 9) Ads on high ranking sites – Similar to classifieds… there are many websites that offer space for people to place ads. You can usually get an ad for a very good price. Just search for websites on your topic and if they offer ad space then ask them about it. If they are inrepparttar 120494 top 10 onrepparttar 120495 search engines forrepparttar 120496 keywords you type in then there is a good chance they get a lot of traffic. Your ad could be seen by thousands of people every month.

10) Classifieds – There are many classified ad directories onrepparttar 120497 internet. How popularrepparttar 120498 site is will usually determine how much you pay for an ad. Most places offer pretty fair prices. There are also plenty of places to post classified ads offline such as newspapers.

There are tons of classified sites so it’s very easy to get confused or overwhelmed when trying to figure out what ones to use. You should definitely do some research onrepparttar 120499 site before you spend money to advertise there. Here are a few things to look for – Number of visitors torepparttar 120500 site (the morerepparttar 120501 merrier), make sure your ad will stay visible without being pushed offrepparttar 120502 page by other ads, and make surerepparttar 120503 site offers value to visitors, meaning it isn’t just full of ads and nothing else.

What NOT to do when promoting your business – Do not send out unsolicited (spam) emails to people. All that will do is get you in trouble and won’t produce very good results anyway. Don’t post to FFA (free for all) sites. All you will get back from them is a bunch of junk in your inbox so it’s not worth your time. Also, don’t use unethical business practices of any kind. If you are not sure about something then ask someone. Always use your better judgment.

Well, that’s all I have for now. There are many more marketing techniques that you can use so don’t assume that this is an all-inclusive list. The promotion methods above are just some ofrepparttar 120504 more commonly used ways to get traffic/customers for your business. I didn’t go into detail on any ofrepparttar 120505 techniques because this article would have turned out to be a book. If you need any more information or help with anything send me an email and I will answer your questions or direct you to someone that can.

Finally, please remember that any business online or offline takes hard work and time to build. Do not expect to be making a lot of money in a short amount of time. Put inrepparttar 120506 effort and you will be greatly rewarded inrepparttar 120507 long run.

Trent Brownrigg is a successful internet marketer, webmaster, and author of business articles. He will personally help you build a secure financial future. Visit for more details.

"How To Create Your Own Instant Opt-In List From Scratch!"

Written by Ewen Chia

Continued from page 1

A good resource to check out to learn all about how you can use Pay Per Clicks profitably is “Pay Per Click Profits” at http:/

I also talk about this method with more details at “Mini Ebook Secrets”

(3) Traffic Programs

If you're using free traffic programs and NOT building a list with them, you're making a big mistake.

You can generate tons of leads purely from these traffic programs and generators found everywhere.

The secret's in creating an irresistible opt-in page promising more information to entice opt-ins. Once you start building this list, you've got to deliver onrepparttar initial promise, while cultivating and building a good relationship with them. The reward will be perpetual lifetime profits.

Excellent examples of proven traffic programs include:

Million Dollar Traffic Traffic Swarm s.htm

You can generate a big list fast if you combinerepparttar 120482 above three methods together.

The next step would be to duplicate what you’ve done and spit out tons of targeted sub-lists to promote your different programs.

And yes….it is truly that simple.

Ewen Chia is a successful information publisher and Internet marketer who spits out marketing secrets with fiery passion! Learn how you can instantly get more traffic, sales and increase your profits by visiting his various websites:

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