How To Prevent Being Lynched By Heavy Handed Spam Laws

Written by Dan B. Cauthron

Continued from page 1

3. - Email any existing lists you have, explaining that you are cleaning your lists, and asking those subscribers to re-subscribe under your new policy. (Offer them something good in return for their trouble.) You may lose some subscribers, but those are probablyrepparttar ones who never paid attention to your mailings to begin with, and are most likely to suddenly contract "amnesia."

4. - Retain electronic confirmations of all opt-in actions. It would be wise to save those records externally to disk on a daily basis.

5. - Provide an automated removal link in all emails sent. A "reply to this email for removal" or "email this address for removal" statement may not be sufficient inrepparttar 108876 near future.

7. - Sign all messages you send, top and bottom, with your full name and email address. Keeping your name in front of your subscribers will greatly improve their ability to recall their voluntary opt-in action.

8. - Be sure your email subject line relates directly to repparttar 108877 context of your message body. This is a prominent clause in most current spam laws.

9. - Use only a valid and working return address for any email sent. The recipient must be able to reach you (or a member of your staff) by clickingrepparttar 108878 reply button to any email received.

While I don't appreciate being spammed, I've also learned to quietly userepparttar 108879 technology available to me, ie. email filters and delete buttons. Still, it won't surprise me in repparttar 108880 least to soon hear of some guy who has filed a million dollar lawsuit because he contracted carpal tunnel syndrome in his "delete" finger.

Blind and uninformed legislation appears to be laying a foundation for just such a frivolous boondoggle, as slick legislators continue to jump onrepparttar 108881 bandwagon, "taking action" on popular social issues as a self-serving exercise in ensuring their own re-elections.

What I fear most however, is a terminally diseased social consciousness that refuses to take individual responsibility, while expecting big government to be a panacea for all ills, no matter how small or insignificant.

Dan B. Cauthron runs several websites and publishes his 100% original and highly opinionated *Revenew QuikTips* online whenever he has something significant to say. To subscribe please visit: Dan also operates:

© Copyright 2003 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide Serenity Marketing Group - Dan B. Cauthron

Nurse Lazarus Runs a Neat Newsworthy Net Business

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

Continued from page 1

Fenn: I can see that gives you a variety of healing methods to work with.

Loris: I wanted to have a full range of abilities, so I also received a Master’s Degree inrepparttar Science of Esoteric Psychology.

Fenn: What’s that?

Loris: It’s healing through contact with your soul and becoming soul infused.

Fenn: Wow. And did you say you are ordained in Kabalah course?

Loris: Yes, I’m very proud of my ordination withrepparttar 108875 third degree of Karin Kabalah. I was ordained at Saint Thomas Christian Church in Atlanta. This gives merepparttar 108876 ability to give Kabalistic healings and anointrepparttar 108877 dying. I can enter hospitals now as a healing minister and perform healings there as well. Fenn: It sounds like you’ve been all overrepparttar 108878 world. Many readers would like to build a healing practice like this and haverepparttar 108879 independence to work for themselves. Who are some of your mentors, people you admire inrepparttar 108880 healing arts?

Loris: Vianna Stibal, of course! I spend most of my time now teaching people Vianna’s DNA healing techniques. As I was saying, I hoped one day to see people heal themselves before they have serious surgeries. Vianna cured herself of cancer usingrepparttar 108881 methods I now teach others.

Fenn: Why is it called DNA?

Loris: Because this technique permits us to go torepparttar 108882 original genetic blueprint, our DNA, and reconstruct it. We remove negative energies and patterning. We replace it with positive healing energy.

Fenn: Can anyone learn this?

Loris: Oh, yes. I teach everyone from advanced healers to ordinary people who are ready to take that next step. I think that’s whatrepparttar 108883 Aquarian Age is all about … we haverepparttar 108884 power to heal ourselves andrepparttar 108885 time is right now! It is also something someone could use to start their own healing practice, just like I have. In no time, you'll be travelling all overrepparttar 108886 world, too!

Fenn: You built up a practice that is worldwide. Can you tell us a little about that?

Loris: Yes, I’d be glad to. When you have a program that really works, word gets around. Most of my workshops now are by referral but there was a time when I need a good deal of marketing onrepparttar 108887 internet. I was one ofrepparttar 108888 first to have my own website and I’ve always enjoyed keeping in touch with people that way.

Fenn: In a time when many people are hesitant to travel, it doesn’t bother you to gorepparttar 108889 distance, as they say?

Loris: I feel very much inrepparttar 108890 light when I’m doing my work and I do not feel that I would be in danger of anything negative happening.

Fenn: I notice you also call yourselfrepparttar 108891 Crystal Lady. What’s that all about?

Loris: I’m a person who uses allrepparttar 108892 kingdoms for healing. Crystals are really great to use onrepparttar 108893 physical body. It seems that my healings are stronger and more powerful when I use them.

Fenn: And who’s that I see sitting next to you as we’re talking?

Loris: That’s Fritzl, my power animal. Fritzl is my pet dachshund. Fritzl has inspired me to offer a whole line of natural health and healing products for pets. I also publish a monthly newsletter full of tips and techniques to keep your pet healthy,repparttar 108894 natural way. We call itrepparttar 108895 Fritzl Flash for Fur People and it’s very popular.

Fenn: Fritzl certainly looks healthy to me! I’d like to thank you both for being here today and havingrepparttar 108896 interview. When’s your next workshop?

Loris: I’m giving a workshop next month in Holland.

Fenn: How can our readers find out more?

Loris: Contact me at or visit my website

Nancy R. Fenn is an intuitive counselor whose mission in life is to raise consciousness about the healing arts.

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