How To Paint Your Own Artwork - And Save Money

Written by Catherine Calder

Continued from page 1

Keeprepparttar painting simple forrepparttar 100033 best result. When you see paintings that you like you can use them asrepparttar 100034 inspiration for your own abstract. Simple bands of color can be very effective. Also blocks of color can look good too. Use tape to mask offrepparttar 100035 areas before painting if you want a crisp edge. Acrylic paints are an adhesive, so removerepparttar 100036 tape beforerepparttar 100037 paint dries - unless you want torepparttar 100038 tape in repparttar 100039 final picture!

You do not need to cover all ofrepparttar 100040 canvas. Leaving areas ofrepparttar 100041 white canvas will help to brightenrepparttar 100042 final effect. One method is to just splash on a few colors and leave it to dry.

If you are unhappy withrepparttar 100043 result of your efforts simply paint overrepparttar 100044 canvas and start again. No stress!

Leaverepparttar 100045 picture to dry. When completely dry you can improve or highlight parts as necessary. This would be a good time to add metallic paints if you are using them.

Oncerepparttar 100046 final coats of paint are dry, giverepparttar 100047 picture a coat of acrylic varnish to seal it. Once sealed, it can be wiped with a damp cloth to keep it clean.

The canvas could be framed, but a lot of modern pieces are displayed without a frame. In modern surroundings this is a very good look, and saves onrepparttar 100048 cost of framing.

It really isn't that difficult to paint your own pictures. By learning a few simple techniques you will be able to paint with confidence. When you paint your own pictures you will be able to match your décor exactly and repeatrepparttar 100049 patterns already used inrepparttar 100050 room - all at a fraction ofrepparttar 100051 price of buying one from a gallery. Your own unique masterpiece!

Catherine Calder, author of the Acrylic Painting Course. This 'No-Draw' painting course shows you, step-by-step, how to complete 12 pictures, and ideas for more! For a Free Report about painting your own artwork - ‘How to Paint Abstract Pictures for Pleasure and Profit’ Click here =>

Have you inspected your Garage Door lately?

Written by Richard Aquino

Continued from page 1

Tighten all hinge and bracket screws, bear in mind that garage door bottom brackets are under extreme tension when repparttar door is closed and can cause serious injury if accidentally or deliberately loosened or removed. Replace bent or broken hinges. Checkrepparttar 100032 door’s rollers for excessive wobble and replace as necessary.

All garage door openers manufactured and installed after 1991 are required by law to have a reversing mechanism. Garage door openers manufactured and installed after 1993 are required to have photo eyes connected atrepparttar 100033 bottom of repparttar 100034 track to triggerrepparttar 100035 reverse mechanism when an infrared beam is broken. A defective or improperly adjusted reversing mechanism on your garage door opener could cause damage, injury and possibly death. Check your door opener regularly to be sure thatrepparttar 100036 reversing mechanism is in proper working order.

Lubricate rollers, hinge pivots, pulleys, torsion spring coils, bearings andrepparttar 100037 electric opener chain and sprockets.

With periodic inspections and maintenancerepparttar 100038 average garage door can safely provide many years of trouble free performance.

Richard Aquino has been selling and installing replacement garage door parts since 1982. Visit Bargain Enterprises at for residential, commercial and industrial garage door and electic opener parts and accessories.

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