How To Live Happily Ever After

Written by Maya Pinion

Continued from page 1

Before a person jumped into bed with someone or moved in with someone or married someone or divorced someone, if they had asked themselves "will I be happier afterward?", maybe they wouldn't have done it (or maybe they would have!)

Before a person did something self-destructive, if they had asked themselves "will I be happier afterward?", maybe they wouldn't have done it. And, before a person did something good - for themselves or others - if they had asked themselves "will I be happier afterward?", maybe they would have done even more good things.

So before you choose to do something, ask yourself "will I be happier afterward?". Then makerepparttar right decision, forrepparttar 129755 right reasons, and live happily ever after.

Maya Pinion is a Los Angeles based freelance writer who loves to help people feel better, do better, be better and urges people to visit

What About Drugs for Anxiety and Depression?

Written by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

Continued from page 1

Anxiety is always a sign that we are telling ourselves a lie. The truth creates peace inside, while lies create fear and anxiety. This is a sure-fire way of knowing what is true and what is not true!

Emotionally, depression is caused by not taking good care of ourselves. If we ignore our needs, don’t speak up for ourselves, judge ourselves, and make others responsible for our feelings,repparttar result may be depression. If you have a child whom you ignore and judge, that child will likely be depressed. The same occurs onrepparttar 129753 inner level when we ignore and judge our own inner child. Putting yourself last and taking care of everyone else but yourself may cause you to feel unworthy and depressed.

There is little point in taking drugs for anxiety and depression without attending to your dysfunctional thinking and to how you are treating yourself. However, if you take drugs for a short time and give yourselfrepparttar 129754 opportunity to do your inner work, they may be helpful. Many ofrepparttar 129755 people I work with find that as soon as they start taking good care of themselves, they don’t likerepparttar 129756 effect ofrepparttar 129757 drugs. They don’t likerepparttar 129758 fact thatrepparttar 129759 drugs takerepparttar 129760 edge off their feelings. They find that, rather than wanting to be numbed out, they want to feel all of their feelings deeply, bothrepparttar 129761 highs andrepparttar 129762 lows. The more they learn to take responsibility for their feelings by attending to their thoughts and needs,repparttar 129763 more they want to feel all of their feelings. They discover that, while drugs may takerepparttar 129764 edge off pain, they also takerepparttar 129765 edge off joy.

Most ofrepparttar 129766 people I work with can avoid drugs completely by learning to take loving care of themselves, both physically and emotionally. Many ofrepparttar 129767 people who practicerepparttar 129768 Inner Bonding process that we teach find Inner Bonding to be far more powerful in healing anxiety and depression than drugs. If you are a person who does not want to learn to take personal responsibility for your pain and joy, then drugs may be a way out for you. But if you want to feel true peace and joy, drugs are notrepparttar 129769 answer.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or Phone sessions available.

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