"How To Keep Your Cat Happy and Healthy - Playtime for Kitty"

Written by NS Kennedy

Continued from page 1

The best toys for cats are often home-made and only need YOUR interaction.

My favorite is "fishing" with a piece of string or a stick. Holdrepparttar string/stick aboverepparttar 139355 head of your cat pretending its a fishing rod. Your cat will delight in jumping and swatting, especially if you let her catch it once in a while.

Another favorite with my cats is to crumple a piece of paper. Justrepparttar 139356 sound ofrepparttar 139357 paper seems to get them excited. Showrepparttar 139358 catsrepparttar 139359 ball of paper and then throw it for them. Watch as they chase it roundrepparttar 139360 room in delight.

Some toys, such as lures attached to string should only be played with when you are there to manipulate it. If you leave it set up for her while you are gone, there is a chance she could become tangled inrepparttar 139361 string and choke. Pet supply stores carry some captivating self-play toys, such as a ball inside a track that will keep your kitty safely content while you are away. A kitty condo or carpeted tree is good investment. The multiple levels encourage climbing, whilerepparttar 139362 hiding holes allow your cat to indulge her stalking instinct. Toys need not be expensive. Create a cat puzzle by taping a toilet paper roll tube torepparttar 139363 floor and placing a cat treat inside. Your cat will enjoy trying o getrepparttar 139364 treat fromrepparttar 139365 tube.

Be sure that you remain in control during playtime. If your cat starts to play roughly, rub a stuffed animal against her belly and quickly withdraw your hands. This directs her aggressive behavior ontorepparttar 139366 toy and away from you. If she ignoresrepparttar 139367 toy and continues to play-attack you, endrepparttar 139368 play session and walk away. Come back in a few moments and try again. After awhile, she will learn that you controlrepparttar 139369 level of play, not her.

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"How to Ensure that Your Cat is Healthy and Lives a Long and Happy Life"

Written by NS Kennedy

Continued from page 1

The yearly vet visit is also a good time to mention any "strange habits" your cat may have developed overrepparttar last year. Often, these have simple explanations, but some behaviors, such as licking paint or eating strange substances can indicate a medical condition.

One ofrepparttar 139354 most important aspects ofrepparttar 139355 yearly vet visit is updating your cat's vaccinations. Even if you keep your cat strictly indoors, it is important to have her vaccinated against diseases such as rabies, panleukopenia, calcivirus, Chlamydia and feline leukemia virus. If your cat were to get out ofrepparttar 139356 house and wander, she has protection against some ofrepparttar 139357 diseases that cost less fortunate cats their lives.

How Do You Find a Veterinarian?

* Get recommendations from other cat owners in your area. * Ask cat groomers or emergency clinics for recommendations. * Neighbors or your local pet supply store may be able to make suggestions. * If you’ve just moved torepparttar 139358 area, ask your former veterinarian if he/she could recommend a veterinarian in your new hometown

The process for selecting a veterinarian is very much like choosing your own personal physician. You want to find a doctor that you feel comfortable talking with, someone who encourages all of your questions and supports you in allrepparttar 139359 health care choices you make on your cat's behalf.

Pet Medication Supplies [http://www.pet-medication-supplies.net] can help you get the best possible protection for your pet. Advantix, Arthramine, Cosequin, Frontline, Heartgard - find the best deals in pet medication for flea and tick control, arthritis and lyme disease. Upto 50% discount everyday on brand names.

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