How To Increase Psychic Accuracy

Written by Alan Tutt

Continued from page 1

And this can berepparttar tricky part to anyone unfamiliar with such things. Part ofrepparttar 122189 secret is to have an active imagination. Have you ever noticed that most psychics are those with highly active imaginations? True, there are some who don't seem to fit this category, but not many. Besides, maybe these psychics are simply keeping their imaginations to themselves. I know that I've had a lot of bad experiences sharing my creativity, and consequently have kept it to myself forrepparttar 122190 most part. Unleashing creativity isrepparttar 122191 focus ofrepparttar 122192 second lesson inrepparttar 122193 Keys To Power - Step by Step course.

One ofrepparttar 122194 best ways to expand your creative vision is to simply take two items and try to imagine how one item can become more likerepparttar 122195 second, or how one can performrepparttar 122196 functions ofrepparttar 122197 other without changing shape, or even howrepparttar 122198 two objects can be combined into a single item. Spending several sessions working with this kind of exercise will open up your creativity immensely! Another method of expanding creativity is to do things that would normally be considered backwards or stupid. This is a technique used by many shamanistic cultures.

Spend a day walking backwards. Put salt in your coffee and sugar on your food. Wear your underwear onrepparttar 122199 outside of your clothes. Say goodbye when meeting someone and hello when leaving. Lay onrepparttar 122200 floor with your feet in a chair. Create your own language and use it for a day, speaking in no other language. If they don't cart you off torepparttar 122201 funny farm, you'll gain a new perspective onrepparttar 122202 world. To a degree, this was one ofrepparttar 122203 basic messages inrepparttar 122204 movie "Dead Poet's Society", to learn to see life in a new way, refuse to stay inrepparttar 122205 box, and liverepparttar 122206 way you want to live.

Now, take this new creative potential and imagine whatrepparttar 122207 psychic level is like. Pretend that you see ghosts, pretend that you feelrepparttar 122208 Force, and pretend that you know everything. The more you pretend that you are perceivingrepparttar 122209 psychic reality,repparttar 122210 more you communicate to your inner mind that you want to become conscious of these sensory channels. In truth, we all perceiverepparttar 122211 psychic realities as a matter of course, but we have programmed our inner mind to reject most ofrepparttar 122212 information we get from these perceptions. Therefore, we must change that programming in order to activate our conscious psychic awareness.

These exercises alone will stimulate your psychic abilities like nothing else will. Andrepparttar 122213 more open you are torepparttar 122214 impressions you receive psychically,repparttar 122215 more accurately you will be able to describe what you are perceiving, especially when you've practiced accurate descriptions onrepparttar 122216 physical level.

Alan Tutt is the creator of the world-famous Keys To Power Mastery System, available at Learn how to develop your psychic abilities and create the perfect life you want to live. Free mini-course available.

Anam Cara Making sense of life

Written by Tony Cuckson

Continued from page 1

When you begin to come to your senses you may in many ways appear rude. This is only atrepparttar beginning. You are changingrepparttar 122188 vibrational rate of your body. You are becoming more refined. You are becoming more holistic and holy. You are becoming an individual with your own sense of who you are.

As you come to your senses you begin to drop what is no longer needed.

You may drop toxic relationships. You will begin to avoid toxic people even if to do so may make you appear not "a nice person.” Let me tell you that you will survive such a judgement. Just stay with this. Coming to your senses gives you a sense of your own authority.

When you begin coming to your senses you allow othersrepparttar 122189 opportunity to come to their senses. They are toxic because they are separate from love. Coming to your senses allows them to senserepparttar 122190 perfume of wisdom. This isrepparttar 122191 sense of knowing who they are and knowing that they belong here as a Divine being. Is this not a gift worth spending time to discover and sharing with others?

Coming to your senses means you learn to avoid senseless action.

Much ofrepparttar 122192 action we engage with is designed to make us senseless. We turn up switch off and switch onrepparttar 122193 television. We zone out and we call this re-creation and renewal. Over a period we shut down our senses and we need greater sensationalism in order to getrepparttar 122194 same fix. More powerful images of violence and unhappiness are required to penetrate our defences. We become people ofrepparttar 122195 part and people apart. We become what my teacher Osho calls “logic choppers. We rationalize our lives. We forget who we are and do not wake up to this miraculous gift of life.

Thus we miss beauty.

Beauty is sensational. Our inner beauty is sensational. It has been covered inrepparttar 122196 dust of judgment and unacceptability ever since we were small children. Beauty is expressed fromrepparttar 122197 inner torepparttar 122198 outer. While outer beauty is a delight it will diminish in time. Inner beauty isrepparttar 122199 essence of love that lives withinrepparttar 122200 timeless. Learning to know and be this can be one of our greatest gifts in growing older.

We have to start now.

We are becoming more deeply separate from what is elemental. We are becoming more separate from our essentialness. It is time to return torepparttar 122201 wisdom ofrepparttar 122202 body. It is time to return torepparttar 122203 senses andrepparttar 122204 sensational inner awareness of “what is.” Then you may glimpse what it is to go beyondrepparttar 122205 senses torepparttar 122206 timeless wonder of now.

This winter do not fight tiredness inrepparttar 122207 body.

Take more rest. Go to bed earlier. We often think we should go to sleep at set times. We forget we are embodiments of energy subject torepparttar 122208 rhythms ofrepparttar 122209 seasons. Most ofrepparttar 122210 life force on this Northern hemisphere is now deeply asleep. This energy will begin to awaken in its own time. All life will begin to open torepparttar 122211 coming ofrepparttar 122212 light.

This week I wish you a sensational, sensible and sensuous experience of being in your body now.

Remember to breathe in and breathe out. Remember too thatrepparttar 122213 blessing is already here. You are it. All you have to do is become sensitive to your own sense of wonder. For a time this week give up “logic” forrepparttar 122214 “illogical” andrepparttar 122215 sensational. After adequate rest inrepparttar 122216 body wake up and expectrepparttar 122217 miraculous.

Love and blessings to you all.

© 2005 Tony Cuckson Irish Blessings Matter

Tony Cuckson is an Anam Cara. This Celtic term means “Soul Friend.” He specializes in providing insight for the spiritual journey, Irish Blessings, words of wisdom and finding inner peace. Get your free report called “7 ways to it’s a wonderful life” at or visit Tony’s Blog at for the best resources on spiritual growth.

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