How To Handle Poor Office Manners - Diplomatically

Written by Joli Andre

Continued from page 1
problem and how it’s affecting office morale. Many times these people live in their own world and are totally oblivious to how their actions affect others. Ask if there are reasons or problems that prompts this behavior. Listen and not be judgmental. After listening, tell them ofrepparttar repercussions of this behavior continuing past today. Have them come up with ways to resolve this problem either by e-mail to you or by a meeting byrepparttar 106720 end ofrepparttar 106721 week. Thank them forrepparttar 106722 meeting andrepparttar 106723 conversation will be confidential. Keep a file with this situation andrepparttar 106724 results in your office. Review with this individual and others inrepparttar 106725 office, weekly forrepparttar 106726 first month to see progress. When you hear or see progress has been made, send this individual an e-mail to thank them for handling this matter so professionally.

Joli Andre, president of Polished Professionals a San Diego, CA based company specializing in staff training on American Business Etiquette and International Protocol. She is trained and certified by The Protocol School Of Washington, D.C., and a member of The National Speakers Association and the author of “Business Etiquette Mastery: The Power Of Executive Leadership”. For services: or 858/759-9560

The Myth of the Earnings Yield

Written by Sam Vaknin

Continued from page 1

But, if so, whyrepparttar volatility in share prices, i.e., why are share prices distributed? Surely, since, in liquid markets, there are always buyers -repparttar 106719 price should stabilize around an equilibrium point.

It would seem that share prices incorporate expectations regardingrepparttar 106720 availability of willing and able buyers, i.e., of investors with sufficient liquidity. Such expectations are influenced byrepparttar 106721 price level - it is more difficult to find buyers at higher prices - byrepparttar 106722 general market sentiment, and by externalities and new information, including new information about earnings.

The capital gain anticipated by a rational investor takes into consideration bothrepparttar 106723 expected discounted earnings ofrepparttar 106724 firm and market volatility -repparttar 106725 latter being a measure ofrepparttar 106726 expected distribution of willing and able buyers at any given price. Still, if earnings are retained and not transmitted torepparttar 106727 investor as dividends - why should they affectrepparttar 106728 price ofrepparttar 106729 share, i.e., why should they alterrepparttar 106730 capital gain?

Earnings serve merely as a yardstick, a calibrator, a benchmark figure. Capital gains are, by definition, an increase inrepparttar 106731 market price of a security. Such an increase is more often than not correlated withrepparttar 106732 future stream of income torepparttar 106733 firm - though not necessarily torepparttar 106734 shareholder. Correlation does not always imply causation. Stronger earnings may not berepparttar 106735 cause ofrepparttar 106736 increase inrepparttar 106737 share price andrepparttar 106738 resulting capital gain. But whateverrepparttar 106739 relationship, there is no doubt that earnings are a good proxy to capital gains.

Hence investors' obsession with earnings figures. Higher earnings rarely translate into higher dividends. But earnings - if not fiddled - are an excellent predictor ofrepparttar 106740 future value ofrepparttar 106741 firm and, thus, of expected capital gains. Higher earnings and a higher market valuation ofrepparttar 106742 firm make investors more willing to purchaserepparttar 106743 stock at a higher price - i.e., to pay a premium which translates into capital gains.

The fundamental determinant of future income from share holding was replaced byrepparttar 106744 expected value of share-ownership. It is a shift from an efficient market - where all new information is instantaneously available to all rational investors and is immediately incorporated inrepparttar 106745 price ofrepparttar 106746 share - to an inefficient market whererepparttar 106747 most critical information is elusive: how many investors are willing and able to buyrepparttar 106748 share at a given price at a given moment.

A market driven by streams of income from holding securities is "open". It reacts efficiently to new information. But it is also "closed" because it is a zero sum game. One investor's gain is another's loss. The distribution of gains and losses inrepparttar 106749 long term is pretty even, i.e., random. The price level revolves around an anchor, supposedlyrepparttar 106750 fair value.

A market driven by expected capital gains is also "open" in a way because, much like less reputable pyramid schemes, it depends on new capital and new investors. As long as new money keeps pouring in, capital gains expectations are maintained - though not necessarily realized.

Butrepparttar 106751 amount of new money is finite and, in this sense, this kind of market is essentially a "closed" one. When sources of funding are exhausted,repparttar 106752 bubble bursts and prices decline precipitously. This is commonly described as an "asset bubble".

This is why current investment portfolio models (like CAPM) are unlikely to work. Both shares and markets move in tandem (contagion) because they are exclusively swayed byrepparttar 106753 availability of future buyers at given prices. This renders diversification inefficacious. As long as considerations of "expected liquidity" do not constitute an explicit part of income-based models,repparttar 106754 market will render them increasingly irrelevant.

Sam Vaknin is the author of Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East. He is a columnist for Central Europe Review, United Press International (UPI) and eBookWeb and the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory and Suite101.

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