How To Get a LONG Sales Letter That Pulls People In And Makes Them BUY!

Written by Keller Flynn

Continued from page 1

Now on to reach those 70-plus percent who need more info and more time to think about buying. Here's where you start to lay onrepparttar sales pitch. Tell a short story about a typical customer who hasrepparttar 127308 problem your product or service can solve. Tell howrepparttar 127309 problem gets worse, howrepparttar 127310 problem can practically ruin their live or business.

Then you present your product or service asrepparttar 127311 BIG SOLUTION. Tell why your product works. Give details, features, a few statistics that prove your points, and some comments from two or three satisfied customers.

Now come back to your story ofrepparttar 127312 customer whose life was almost destroyed byrepparttar 127313 problem. Talk about what their life is like NOW that they have purchased your product or service.

Then bring homerepparttar 127314 sale. Tellrepparttar 127315 customer how to buy, where to find you, how to call you, and when they will get their stuff. If you can, include a satisfaction guarantee. If they don't like their purchase, you'll refund their money, dorepparttar 127316 service over, whatever you can afford to do to make customers feel more secure about buying.

Finally, put a time limit on your offer. It's only available torepparttar 127317 first 50 customers, for 30 days, or while supplies last. Most of us are procrastinators by nature and need a time limit to motivate us to act. Your time limit makes this happen.

Do you recognizerepparttar 127318 sales letter formula I've just laid out? Of course you do. You've seen thousands of TV commercials and print ads that userepparttar 127319 same technique. One famous TV critic likened it to a religious experience:repparttar 127320 customer is experiencing Hell, then buys your product and is delivered into Heavenly Bliss.

It has been used by top marketers for decades because it works. Corey Rudl uses it in his legendary 25 page website letter and Jim Daniels uses it in his famous 52 page website letter. You can bet these guys make a VERY good living from their LONG letters.

If writing isn't your favorite thing to do, ranking right along with getting a tooth filled, let a pro write it for you. Jot down your ideas, then send them to a writer along with this article.

Keller Flynn writes LONG sales letters at DrNunley's Get your 900 word sizzling sales letter for print, email, or your web site for just $345. We'll have it in your hands within a few days. Reach Keller at or 801-328-9006.

Selling Is Not A Dirty Word

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

To raise your "Selling" awareness, check outrepparttar acronym below:

S Sharing my book; educating and entertaining people with my unique information

E Expecting positive outcomes; knowing my book's value, living it, and offering it with my short blurb inrepparttar 127307 "30-60 Second Tell and Sell"

L Listening to other professionals who have shared their books and created ongoing lifelong income, raised their credibility as a coach or other professional, as well as living a grand adventure.

L Listening to what my reader's problems and needs are, so I can serve them

I Involving people by asking them pertinent questions to see if my book fits their needs.

N Nurturing business relationships through friendship as a savvy friend who follows up regularly.

G Gain enthusiasm from allrepparttar 127308 people who already love my book enough to give me quality, specific testimonials.

Share your good feelings and good words with others. Show them how you and your book can help them. It's OK to sell because your book and you are significant and can help others.

Judy Cullins: author, publisher, book coach eBook: _Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online_ Send an email to The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports

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