How To Get Others to Market Your Product or Service for You

Written by Debbie LaChusa

Continued from page 1

You will want to choose an organization whose members, and event attendees, closely match your ideal customer. Take a look at your customers and prospects. Then try to find groups and associations who service these types of people.

Perhaps there is a health club in your area that is celebrating a grand opening, or a consumer expo coming to town. Do you target middle-aged women with school-age children? How about hooking up with a school or PTA-sponsored event? Perhaps your local Little League or Soccer organization is looking for auction items to raise money for its upcoming season. Do you target corporate professionals in high-stress jobs such as finance, advertising and marketing, or technology? Look forrepparttar local chapters of trade associations servicing these industries. They typically hold monthly meetings, plus larger annual events. It really depends on who your prospects are. Your goal with any marketing activity is to gain exposure among your target audience. So select an organization or group whose members match your clients, and odds are they will be interested in your services and your business will benefit from this highly-targeted marketing exposure.

(C) Copyright 2005 Debbie LaChusa, 10stepmarketing

20-year marketing veteran Debbie LaChusa created The 10stepmarketing System to help small business owners and solo-preneurs successfully market their business, themselves without spending a fortune on marketing. To learn more about this simple, step-by-step program and to sign up for her FREE audio class and FREE weekly ezine featuring how-to articles, tips and advice, visit

5 Tips to Help You Identify WHO To Market To

Written by Debbie LaChusa

Continued from page 1

So how do you decide who to market to?

Following are 5 tips:

1) Think aboutrepparttar type of people who can MOST benefit from what you have to offer.

2) Think about who you would most enjoy helping, or working with.

3. Think aboutrepparttar 146849 type of people who will be easiest to reach, AND who will be most receptive to what you are selling. These will be people who KNOW they have THE problem you can solve and are LOOKING for a solution.

4) Know that just because you select a particular group of people to focus your marketing on, does NOT mean you can't help others who may come to you. It only means you're going to focus your proactive marketing efforts onrepparttar 146850 target group you select.

5) Lastly, don't over-think it. Listen to your gut, pick a group you feel you can really help and proceed withrepparttar 146851 development of your marketing plan. Marketing is a fluid process. The important thing is to start. You can always refine your audience and your plan later as you learn more.

(C) 2005 Debbie LaChusa

20-year marketing veteran Debbie LaChusa created The 10stepmarketing System to help small business owners and solo-preneurs successfully market their business, themselves without spending a fortune on marketing. To learn more about this simple, step-by-step program and to sign up for her FREE audio class and FREE weekly ezine featuring how-to articles, tips and advice, visit

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