How To Get Big Sponsorship Money for Your Band, Tour, Event or Production

Written by Thom King

Continued from page 1

Now that you have all ofrepparttar pieces ofrepparttar 119824 puzzle you are ready to go out and shakerepparttar 119825 trees for sponsorship dollars. With effort and consistency you will land a sponsor. Always deliver on what you promise to retain your sponsors year after year. Under deliver and they will promptly kick you torepparttar 119826 curb. Our philosophy is to always under promise and over deliver. With this philosophy you will be assured ongoing solid sponsorship participation for years to come.

Multimediary Entertainment Marketing can get your tour, band or event onrepparttar 119827 right track by providing you withrepparttar 119828 following:

•An Introduction letter that garners results •An accurate Demographic Analysis extrapolated of 5 major markets •Sponsorship Value Analysis to determinerepparttar 119829 worth of your opportunity •Sponsorship presentation in Word and PowerPoint •Press Release creation announcing sponsorship opportunity •Press Release distributed to all major markets announcing your opportunity •We will also include your opportunity inrepparttar 119830 Multimediary Entertainment Marketing Newsletter which goes out to over 1500 Corporate Brand Managers monthly •Professional Sponsorship Contract/Agreement you can use to sealrepparttar 119831 deal •One-hour Professional Consultation to ensure you’re going inrepparttar 119832 right direction

For details and pricing please visit our website at:

About Multimediary Entertainment Marketing and Thom King Multimediary was founded by Thom King in late 2001. Multimediary has worked with Virgin Records, Capital Records, and Universal, Warner Brothers, Lions Gate Films and several other major and independent record labels and entertainment production companies. Multimediary has also worked with several consumer brands including: Lifestyles Condoms, Miller Beer, Red Bull, Monster Energy Drink, Dr. Martins, Snapple, Honda Motor Company, British Petroleum, Adidas and more.

King started his career inrepparttar 119833 broadcast industry where he most recently worked as Regional Vice President of Sales for a division of Clear Channel Worldwide. King was instrumental in helping Clear Channel capitalized on unique opportunities by converging radio, outdoor, venue, and interactive assets into fully integrated campaigns. King parlayed his over 20 years of cutting edge marketing experience to form Multimediary.

Multimediary was founded by Thom King in late 2001. King has worked with Virgin Records, Capital Records, and Universal, Warner Brothers, Lions Gate Films and several other major and independent record labels and entertainment production companies.

Making Money From A Content Site

Written by Calin Jonel

Continued from page 1

The other method of generating revenue, cost-per-action (CPA), is best accomplished by joining networks like OnResponse, or CyberBounty which will compensate you everytime one of your visitors downloads a piece of software, registers for a contest or something similar. Many people have had great success with these CPA Networks, especially freebie oriented sites.

Your last option is to hire an advertising sales representative. This option is not viable for smaller sites (less then 1,000,000 page views/month) as many of these rep firms won't even look in your direction unless you have lots of traffic. Some also charge a sign-up fee of several thousand dollars. The problem with taking this route is that these companies charge huge commission fees (inrepparttar area of 30 to 50%). The upside to all of this is that you have one less thing on your to do list, and you can concentrate on creating content for your site and building traffic levels.

Doing it Yourself forrepparttar 119823 long-term Ultimately,repparttar 119824 only way to generate significant revenue through advertising is to do it yourself.

Don't even consider selling advertising by yourself unless you get at least 10,000 unique visitors per month. The more traffic you have,repparttar 119825 greaterrepparttar 119826 chance that you will be able to sell advertising by yourself. The majority of advertising dollars go torepparttar 119827 Top 25 sites, and as you can imagine there is a battle going on for every last advertising dollar among tens of thousands of other sites. Make sure you have good statistics aboutrepparttar 119828 visitors on your site; a log file analysis package like WebTrends will help you with this.

Still with me? Ok, let's move on. In order to do this you will need to:

Install your own ad serving solution Choose ad sizes that you'll be using around your site Price your Inventory Create a media kit/advertising information pages Sell newsletter advertising Know what to do with unsold advertising space

Calin Jonel, editor


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