How To Gain Rapport

Written by Jan Tincher

Continued from page 1

If they said something important you don't fully understand, look forrepparttar hidden meaning. You do this by asking "What?" questions. Then vary it by asking "Why?" questions to determinerepparttar 123652 difference in responses.

Find someone you admire and show themrepparttar 123653 courtesy of listening. People love to be interesting, and if they have your full attention, they know you are listening. Guess what! If you are listening, they must be interesting!

*This is only one exercise on how to gain rapport from Jerry Richardson's excellent book, "The Magic Of Rapport." I will be writing more articles on Rapport through December.


Copyright 2001, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide


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Jan Tincher, nationally recognized expert in Hypnotherapy & Neuro-Linguistic Programming, teaches strategies and techniques to help you live a better, happier life! She studied under Richard Bandler and Anthony Robbins, and has a successful practice in Forest City, Iowa. She is an award winning author, and you can read many of her articles at . You can read what people say about her at


Written by Hershey Wier

Continued from page 1

Task: Get specific. That proposal will take at least 12 hours to complete. What task are we going to accomplish on Saturday morning from 9:00 am to 10:00 am?

Procrastination: I'll figure that out on Saturday at 9:00 am.

Task: We'll eat uprepparttar hour just brainstorming. Since I've already got your attention, why don't we just put down a roadmap right now. Say you're going to keep that Saturday morning block open every week. We estimate 12 hours forrepparttar 123651 project, so that's about three months. Let's get a goal down for each of those Saturday morning appointments... What...? What?! What's wrong...?! You're shaking! Sweating...! A volcano about to...!

Procrastination: AAAAARRRRGHHHHH!!! Okay, okay, I confess! You win! I... I'm... I'm...GOAL-A-PHOBIC! Yes, yes, it's true! I'm quick to come up withrepparttar 123652 grand plan, but i... im... imp... IMPTAYSUN! I can't bear it... I'm allergic to it! I can't even say it right.

Task: "Implementation." Now, now, take a deep breath. Don't get so down on yourself. Some of our projects have gone off magnificently. We've accomplished a lot together. It's just certain projects that you seem to get stuck on - like this proposal.

Procrastination: Well, face it. There's not a chance that proposal will get accepted. It's just wishful thinking. I don't want to go through all of that work and then have to go throughrepparttar 123653 rejection. Andrepparttar 123654 marketing part of it - who's going to get that done? Not to mentionrepparttar 123655 money we'll need to get it offrepparttar 123656 ground.

Task: Fear. That's fear talking. You know we've done our research and I choose to believe forrepparttar 123657 best outcome. We'll never know unless we start. And, we'll never start unless you stop speaking from fear. Now let's start getting that roadmap together. The goals need to be specific, written, engaging, attainable, and time-bound.

Procrastination: That's a lot to remember.

Task: They make uprepparttar 123658 acronym S-W-E-A-T.

Procrastination: Ugh.

Task: That's...

Specific. Ifrepparttar 123659 goal is too broad, we'll lose track.

Written, so that we can express in focused terms what needs to get done; and we can keep it in front of us.

Engaging, so that we are motivated, interested inrepparttar 123660 project. There may be some steps that don't thrill us, butrepparttar 123661 overall project must come fromrepparttar 123662 heart.

Attainable, so that we have peace with knowing that with a plan and some work, this project can become a successful reality.

Time-bound: You get what you measure. A goal is a dream with a deadline. Enough said. Let's go.

Hershey Wier, MBA, is a Personal & Professional Development Coach and Speaker specializing in career and life transitions. Visit For reprint permission - ==============================

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