How To Fail Online or, Alternatively, What To Aviod In Order To Succeed

Written by David Lowenstein

Continued from page 1

But there's hope. The hope lies in your common sense and determination - NEVER GIVE UP! Tell yourself: 1. The Opportunities are there. I can make it online. 2. I know I'll have rough times. 3. I'll NEVER go for what appears to be "magic" because if it doesn't Work (and it NEVER does) I'll get frustrated and give up. Remember - It's The START that STOPS most people! 4. Prior to every purchase I'll make, whether an ebook, a service or a Program, I'll positively answerrepparttar following:

4.a.Will this purchase really move my knowledge/business onwards? 4.b. Will it result in more potentially successful contacts/leads? 4.c. Will I be able to use it, within a reasonable period of time, to Increase my profits? 4.d. Am I willing to invest work in it and give it a fair chance? 4.e. If someone else offered it to me, would I go for it? (This is critical becauserepparttar 105246 answer will indicate whether you'll be able to offer it to others).

Sorry it sounds like a nightmare, it is NOT. It Is Reality. The route to success Resides in yourself - BE DTERMINED, DON'T GET DISTRACTED, Keep Looking straight ahead to your final goal AND YOU'LL GET THERE.

You can achieve a level of success online which will significantly increase Your income. Opportunities and customers are there (and growing every day By outstanding numbers). Let time and work determine what is going to be Your money making opportunity. Just Avoid "Magic Crap"!

And one last advice - No One Can Help Everybody, but Everybody Can Help Somebody. Use this advise to build trust.

Wishing You A Pleasant Journey,

Dr. David Lowenstein

David Lowenstein, Ph.D. in Business Management, publishes "Home Business Instant Profit Tips & Tricks" (HBIPT) Newsletter - a fresh, informative publication. If you're looking for the Best Rated Home Business Opportunities, Step-By-Step Guidance and ongoing support from an honest friend in the business, go by his site and grab a FREE subscription TODAY, at: or, email your request to:

Sound Like Your Situation?

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Continued from page 1

But their ammo will berepparttar persuasive messages they prepare for communication to that key target audience. Messages designed to affect perceptions in a way that leads torepparttar 105244 behaviors you desire.

The message must outline whatrepparttar 105245 problem is and what some members of that target audience believe. Then it must clearly set downrepparttar 105246 truth ofrepparttar 105247 matter omitting any exaggeration or hype. In other words, it must be believable, credible and especially persuasive and compelling.

Enter “beasts of burden,”repparttar 105248 communications tactics your people will use to move your message torepparttar 105249 attention of members of your key, target audience.

There is a vast array of communications tactics from which your public relations people can choose. They include everything from face-to-face meetings, emailings, op-eds and news releases to special events, speeches, trade show appearances and town hall meetings.

Wait a minute, not so fast! How will your public relations team measure progress? Best way is to put onrepparttar 105250 monitor hats again and fan out among members ofrepparttar 105251 target audience.

Usingrepparttar 105252 persuasive message as a guide, are respondents aware ofrepparttar 105253 message? If so, what is their reaction to it? Does your crew find evidence that prior opinion (perception) has moved in your direction? If so, to what extent? Wasrepparttar 105254 create/change/reinforce strategy choice correct, or must it be adjusted? Are refinements inrepparttar 105255 message in order, meaning there is still considerable work to be done?

Obviously,repparttar 105256 problem solving sequence must be carefully retuned as progress is made in order to keep it on target – alter perception, change behavior, and achieve not only a successful, butrepparttar 105257 desired public relations result.


Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks about the fundamental premise of public relations. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communications, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. Visit:

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