How To Earn $1000 A Week Part Time

Written by Gary Anderson

Continued from page 1

You must be very aware ofrepparttar risks before you get involved. As with any investment or business, you can lose money. If, by nature, you are a timid, cautious person, then it is definitely not for you. But if you have some money to play with, and aren’t risk adverse, then financial spread betting isrepparttar 100339 one ofrepparttar 100340 best possible ways you can make a great deal of money completely tax free… and there are clever ways of limiting your losses so you never lose more than you can afford.

Unlike most businesses, it is possible to get involved with an absolute minimal outlay and take a position without buying a single thing. You do have to ‘back’ your position with a certain amount of cash, but this is ‘insurance’ money, NOT stake money.

The best thing is you can try it for free without any risk at all. You can ‘dry trade’ with ‘monopoly’ money until you get a feel for how it works and are confident enough to start using real money.

Financial spread betting has become so popular primarily because ofrepparttar 100341 relationship between risk and capital. It is highly leveraged and you can make huge profits with only a limited amount of capital and risk. The fact that there is (unlike with most investments) no stamp duty or tax also helps make it extremely attractive.

So if you are ofrepparttar 100342 right temperament, spread betting can be a very lucrative way of making an amazing income in your spare time. But be warned, if used recklessly or withoutrepparttar 100343 correct knowledge it can result in large losses.

Gary Anderson is the author of “Betting On A Fortune” the best selling manual on how to make money from financial spread betting, available from

"5 Explosive Marketing Strategies For Exponential Business Growth!"

Written by Jo Han Mok Managing Director, Midas Touch Marketing

Continued from page 1

There is a threefold advantage in doing so. Firstly, it's a highly efficient way to 'bundle' goods or services together. Secondly, it's a great way to introduce continuity in your business, and last but not least, it encourages hyper-responsiveness.

Explosive Strategy #4: Identifying Hyper-responsiveness

Have you ever encountered a customer who seems to buy almost anything you put out? Customers who seem to be on "standby", waiting just to grab just about anything new that you put out or recommend?

It's a great idea to group such people into an "A-list".

The 'high rollers' if you will.

Usually, such people will come from your own database, and it should be your business priority to encourage hyper-responsive behavior. Make sure hyper-responsiveness is always well rewarded with surprise bonuses, freebies, and nurturing communication.

Remember, because ofrepparttar Pareto principle, 80% of your profits will come from 20% of your customers. Guess who belongs torepparttar 100338 20%?

Explosive Strategy #5: Multiple Income Sources

You're practically leaving money onrepparttar 100339 table if your business is limited to a few channels.

Affiliate Programs have made it possible for almost any business to make money from ancillary products at a few mouse clicks.

Why go throughrepparttar 100340 hassle of product development andrepparttar 100341 costs associated with it. Remember, you're never inrepparttar 100342 'business' of anything, but you're always inrepparttar 100343 business of marketingrepparttar 100344 'business'.

And all you have to do as an affiliate is basically market.

Though many affiliate programs are free to join, it would always be a good idea to purchaserepparttar 100345 product in question and do a thorough review first before recommending it.

While you don't exactly need 'brass balls', it is imperative to note though, that as an information facilitator, you should feel good about recommending a product that you sincerely know will benefit your list, and not be afraid of getting 'flamed' for trying to pitch.

If someone is offended and unsubscribes, then just shrug and say 'next'. You don't need such people on your list.

There you have it, my "Big Five" strategies for optimal business growth and profitability.

Use them, and watch your business take on a new dynamism! A positive side effect may include swelling of your bank account.

Best of all, they don't cost a cent to implement, so don't wait.

The time is now.

Jo Han Mok is a frequent guest and featured speaker at Internet Marketing boot camps and conferences on subjects such as copywriting and Joint Venture Marketing. Find out more about his explosive strategy for creating a business that makes over $100k a year in 7 days or less at: ===>

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