How To Deal With Environmental Stress

Written by Trevor Dumbleton

Continued from page 1

Unfortunately, these poisons do not only put stresses on our bodies, they put stresses on our minds as well. These physical forms of environmental stress put poisons into our brains as well, and can cause them to functions less effectively. Just as alcohol or drugs can affectrepparttar ways that our minds work, these subtle poisons are also seeping into our brains and causing mental changes. In fact, receiving too many of these poisons can slow down mental processes without our noticingrepparttar 147521 change. It will simply happen so slowly that we cannot noticerepparttar 147522 difference.

In addition, one ofrepparttar 147523 most common causes of environmental stress is noise pollution. Anybody who lives in a large city is bombarded with a deluge of noise that can damagerepparttar 147524 ears, numbrepparttar 147525 senses, and cause a boatload of stress for our minds. With cars, busses, trains, factories, and people all screaming to be heard aboverepparttar 147526 din fillingrepparttar 147527 streets ofrepparttar 147528 modern city. These pressures on our brains and our eardrums are enough to shutrepparttar 147529 mind down and send it into a cocoon of insensibility.

As well, simply being in a public place can cause us to have to deal with noise pollution. This is, of course, caused byrepparttar 147530 infamous "cell yell". Anywhere we go in public, we must deal with people yelling into their mobile phones. This is not only annoying, but it is a form of environmental pollution. Listening to someone yell at a phone causes our minds stress and, through that, causes our bodies stress. They are annoying, and annoyance is a form of stress. Thus, we find ourselves stressed by something that is simply a fact of modern life.

Environmental stress occurs to us every day and we should be aware that it is happening. Obviously, we cannot be aware of it allrepparttar 147531 time because to do so would probably cause us more stress just by simple worry. However, it is a fact of life while living inrepparttar 147532 modern world and we should haverepparttar 147533 presence of mind to know that environmental stress takes a toll on a body… and a mind. is a categorized resource directory for everything to do with stress. Get a free ebook to help with your stress levels:

The Best Way To Prevent Cancer And Get Healthy

Written by Novi White

Continued from page 1

Yes,repparttar nature produces many important substances that function as good antioxidant. Food nutrients and botanicals they produce have great roles in improving body’s health. To be exact, fresh foods like fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants other than those you can get from pills. Thus, eating them will prevent you from cancer and many other diseases caused by free radicals. Talking about fresh foods, oranges, peas, and cauliflower contain a very high capacity of antioxidant.

What you might not now is that antioxidant may prevent prostate cancer, which is mostly found in men. There is a study that finds a good, protective effect in selenium. High blood levels of selenium decreaserepparttar 147483 risk of advanced prostate cancer. Thus, men who consume high levels of selenium significantly decrease prostate cancer risk. Selenium is mostly found in most plant foods and in some meats and shellfish. If you are nuts lovers, you are very lucky, as they are good sources of selenium.

So now you have gathered information aboutrepparttar 147484 correlation of antioxidant and cancer. Will you start a healthier lifestyle now? Yes? Great!

Novi White writes health articles on various publications. She has been working with doctors for their research publications. You can visit her Website at

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