How To Build List Of Prospect For Your Business At No Cost

Written by Heri Rosyadi

Continued from page 1

These arerepparttar examples of lead capturing webpages: Build Your List!: eam/herose/lsn.shtml Wait a sec!: eam/herose/lsn1.shtml Hold Up A Sec...: eam/herose/hup.shtml Still Looking: eam/herose/lmi1.shtml Go ahead tryrepparttar 120387 system by entering your info in one of those and watch how it work fromrepparttar 120388 inside!

Use those kind of webpages for traffic exchange you belong to. Now all you need to do is spend some spare time to surf in those exchanges and earn visitors. If you do that consistently and persistently I Guarantee your list will GROW. The key is to enjoyrepparttar 120389 process of your list building!

Author: Heri Rosyadi PS: You can get your own cool lead capturing pages and find outrepparttar 120390 best traffic exchanges here at

Leader at a network marketing company. He has been in the business for 4 years and consistently has helped new online business owner to establish their business.

Knock, knock. Who’s There? Your Target Market, Are YouListening?

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1

Well, then, Catherine, how can you do this differently? Thought you would never ask.

Be creative. Think of a few things you would prefer to do to establish a relationship with your market. How about printing a copy of your ebook or latest article and discussingrepparttar topic instead of handing out a business card. Take one or two copies with you to give to qualified leads.

If someone else sees you givingrepparttar 120386 ebook out, and you want them to, invite them to a free upcoming teleclass and say its part ofrepparttar 120387 handouts (even if it isn't). Take out a small note sheet that has your name, web site, and phone number printed on them (here's a vendor I recommend if you don't have any of these already -- various sizes -- Day Timer, and write downrepparttar 120388 name, date and time ofrepparttar 120389 next teleclass and tell them they can register by visiting your web site.

KEY: The moment you use ink and takerepparttar 120390 time to write it down it, you move from push marketing to relationship building marketing.

Make it your goal to connect and begin building a relationship with your market. Look around and take measurement on how you are using with your material. Create a "measurement moment" and check in regularly. I do. Ask, "How can I do something different this week that builds connections?" Make a list of one or two you can do differently. Then test them. Be creative.

Ask, "How can I learn about at least one of their challenges?" After you do, spend some quality time thinking how your product or service answers that challenge. If not, and it fits into your niche, then askrepparttar 120391 universe to send you some options on how you can. This will open new doors of creative flow for you.

Remember, this is a learning curve, behavioral change, and shift in mentality. So, adapt and adopt with patience and love.

When you connect with others you double, even triple your attractiveness and money. Solo attracts solo.

Questions to support your evolution

> Is your marketing communication two way?

> Is your push marketing percent too high?

> How can I ask prospects to share with me their biggest problems or challenges?

> How does that relate to what I am offering?

> How can I change this right now?

> Have I put my "measurement moment" on my regular agenda for next week, next month?

> What 3 questions can I have in my arsenal for my next point of contact (include e-mail in this as well)?

ABOUT AUTHOR: Tired of trying to figure out a business or marketing plan that works? Now you can create a business, marketing, sales, service, and product plan in a few hours specific for your needs. Visit:

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