How To Be A Customer For Your Own Articles

Written by Sanjay Johari

Continued from page 1

In addition your articles give you additional coverage when they are picked up by other publishers and website owners to publish them in their ezines and websites. Articles are generally stored in archives and are accessible to interested persons for a long time. Therefore, your articles can give you publicity weeks, months or even years after they were first published.

Your article gives you a head start in finding your prospects. It definitely improves click-thru rate for your website orrepparttar landing page which is linked to your resource box. This should be considered only asrepparttar 116437 first step towards finding your prospects. Your articles putrepparttar 116438 odds of finding prospects strongly in your favor.

How do you retain your prospects when they arrive at your landing page? Well, I am not discussing this aspect here, but I will only mention that it would help you again to become your own customer. Look at your landing page as a customer, keep modifying it until you find positive answers to these three vital questions:

1)What are my concerns which have brought me to this page? (Your visitors were led to believe thru your promotions that their particular concerns would be addressed.)

2)What is it inrepparttar 116439 presentation which tells me at a glance that I might find solutions to my problems? Do I need to look further in this presentation or should I move on?

3)Doesrepparttar 116440 presentation address my concerns? Does it help me? If yes, in what way?

You need to be ruthless with yourself as a customer and answer these questions as honestly as possible. There is no end to improvement and this exercise of thinking like a customer should get better with practice resulting in better conversion rate.

Sanjay Johari regularly contributes articles on small business to various ezines. Welcome to International Success Mentoring! Earn while you learn - join the longest running internet business opportunity, because it works.

3 Facts You Need To Know About Passive Income Super-Highway!

Written by Stefanus Wahyudi

Continued from page 1

No boss to order you around. STOP making your boss richer, START enriching yourself NOW!

Andrepparttar best part about Online Network Marketing is this magic word:


Everyone loves Online Business because their business is up 24/7 and it's on autopilot.

Conclusion: ->> Freedom:

2-3 hours a day is enough to take care of your Online Network Marketing Biz. It mainly consists of replying to emails and promoting your website, while everything else has already been programmed on autopilot; Moreover, you can work anywhere you WANT!

Isn't this TRUE freedom?

Think aboutrepparttar 116436 remaining time ofrepparttar 116437 day. Could you use those time to create another income stream?

============================================================= 3. Good Cashflow, Good Passive Income! =============================================================

Robert Kiyosaki,repparttar 116438 author of bestseller "Rich Dad Poor Dad", teaches that to be financially free, your passive income must exceed your expenses.

Too many people know this formula.

However, most of them fail to know thatrepparttar 116439 2 ofrepparttar 116440 greatest things human ever created: Internet and Network Marketing System, if COMBINED will berepparttar 116441 FASTEST super-highway to FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

Conclusion: ->> Passive Income Super-Highway:

Just Internet plus Network Marketing. SIMPLE.

Makerepparttar 116442 right choice!

Warm Regards, Stefanus Wahyudi

============================================================ Copyright Info ============================================================

(C) 2005 All Rights Reserved.

Stefanus Wahyudi is an experienced and successful Online Network Marketer who believes that combining Internet with Network Marketing System will result in a really POWERFUL passive income generator.

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