How To Avoid Becoming A Victim of Identity Theft

Written by Clyde Dennis

Continued from page 1

Spyware allows hackers to take control of your browser and alter your computer system files.

These computer parasites slow down your Internet connection by inundating you with unwanted Spyware pop-up ads.

This is just a short list ofrepparttar harm that Spyware can cause.

Note: Spyware and Adware cannot be detected by anti-virus and firewall software.

Have you noticed your computer running slower than ever?

The reason for that may have to do with online advertisers adding Spyware, or Adware to your computer without your knowledge.

What is Adware?

Adware works very much like Spyware.

Adware is software that will show you popup ads over and over. These files can also be extremely dangerous to your PC and could cause major problems with your Computer.

If you’re still wondering why you should be concerned about adware or spyware, consider this reality.

Throughrepparttar 107169 use of adware and spyware your passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information could end up inrepparttar 107170 wrong hands.

In an attempt to provide some much-needed information onrepparttar 107171 subject of spyware, adware and identity theft I’ve compiled a Special Report called Spyware! How To Get and Stay Safe.

The report is in PDF format and can be had forrepparttar 107172 asking by visitingrepparttar 107173 following URL:

Clyde Dennis, a.k.a. "Mr. How-To", is Editor at EASYHow-To Publications and has been contributing articles that help people make their lives better since 1999. At his web site, The "How To" Library, you'll find a collection of the latest tools, tips, and information you need to help you get things done. For more information visit

PHP Scripts Don't Have to End in .PHP

Written by Robert Plank

Continued from page 1

As soon as you set this up, try going back to your site. Everything should look exactlyrepparttar same, withrepparttar 107168 exception that your HTML pages are all now PHP-enabled.

So you could setup a simple script likerepparttar 107169 one here:

... And put that on any HTML page of yours. It will work exactlyrepparttar 107170 same as ifrepparttar 107171 file ended in .php instead of .html. Neat, huh?

You could even go crazy and change that line of htaccess code to add in more weird file extensions, for example:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm .ezine

This would parse any page ending in .html, .htm, or .ezine as PHP. So you could name a file something crazy like "subscribe.ezine" and it would work as a PHP script, or in other words as an HTML file with PHP tags in any place you want them.

For thank you pages sometimes I like to makerepparttar 107172 extension .thanks or .order just to make it harder to guess.

If you wanted to go totally nuts, you could even put something like this in your .htaccess file:

DefaultType application/x-httpd-php

With that, any file without an extension (so if you named a file "download" instead of "download.php") will be "assumed" to be a PHP file. Any unrecognized extension would default to PHP.

The reason I say you can go totally nuts with this is because now you can now name a file to something that isn't already used -- like, or, subscriber.area or

Experienced PHP/JavaScript Tutor Solves 19 Of Your Most Frustrating Direct Response Sales Page Hang-Ups

(The above article may be copied as long as this resource box is included, You may rebrand the above URL with your Clickbank ID however)

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