How To Attract Hummingbirds

Written by Marilyn Pokorney

Continued from page 1

Provide red hummingbird feeders hung about thirty feet apart throughout your yard. Never fill your feeders with anything but a sugar-water mix of 1 part white sugar to 4 parts boiled water. Do not use food coloring or artificial sweeteners of any kind, and never, never use honey which can develop a fungus which can be fatal to hummingbirds. Clean and refillrepparttar feeders every 3 days. More often if temperatures are above 85 degrees F.

Hangrepparttar 139279 feeders on a pole in a flower bed or on a porch or deck near flowers hummingbirds are attracted to.

You can also tie 18 to 24 inch strips of red ribbon torepparttar 139280 feeder. The blowing ribbons will make it easier forrepparttar 139281 hummingbirds to see.

Place feeders at various heights. Some hummingbird species like to feed at heights of 12 to 15 feet, while others feed on low growing flowers and prefer feeders placed closer torepparttar 139282 ground.

Avoid hanging feeders in direct sunlight, which will cause nectar to spoil more quickly.

Once a weekrepparttar 139283 feeder must be washed with vinegar and water or a 10% chlorine solution and scrubbed clean.

Create a separate feeder for Bees and wasps. Fill it with a mixture of 3:1 or even a 2:1 ratio of water to sugar. The insects have a very strong preference for rich, high-sugar mixtures and will quickly decide to userepparttar 139284 feeder withrepparttar 139285 higher sugar content.

To repel ants, apply vinegar or powdered cloves to ant trails. Put adhesive tape applied sticky-side-out torepparttar 139286 hanging wire. Experts advise that petroleum jelly not be used becauserepparttar 139287 greasy substance gets ontorepparttar 139288 birds and make it hard forrepparttar 139289 birds to clean their feathers properly. Use ant traps instead.

For more information visit:

Marilyn Pokorney Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the environment. Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading. Website:

Water Conservation in the Yard

Written by Silvianne Barthe

Continued from page 1

Water those plants needing it most. Newly planted trees, shrubs, and flowers with limited roots systems will most likely suffer first from drought conditions. Give these plants priority if water is scarce. Well-established plants, especially those native torepparttar area, are likely to withstand drought conditions with limited damage.

Water inrepparttar 139217 early morning beforerepparttar 139218 heat ofrepparttar 139219 day. This limits evaporation and supplies plants with needed moisture to make it throughrepparttar 139220 hot, sunny day.

Consider using drip or trickle rrigation systems. Many inexpensive, easy to install systems are available that provide small amounts of water torepparttar 139221 base of individual plants. These systems placerepparttar 139222 water where it is needed most, rather than applying it acrossrepparttar 139223 whole garden. Check with your local garden center.

Collect water from downspouts when it rains. Roofs intercept significant amounts of rain. Collecting this runoff into a barrel can help limitrepparttar 139224 use of city or well water during dry spells.

Are you looking to imporve your backyard landscaping? Look no further we have plenty of suggestions on our website.

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Silvianne is an enthusiastic gardener. One of her major concers, because she lives in the high desert, is water conservation. Visit her website at:

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