How Taking an HGH Supplement Changed My Life

Written by Brad Bahr

Continued from page 1

I just plain feel good again. Better mood, more positive outlook, I feel fitter, it even improved my concentration. In fact, I feel just like a kid again. My energy levels have gone throughrepparttar roof since I started taking this HGH supplement. When I wake up I feel like I really got a great night's sleep. I jump out of bed inrepparttar 114581 morning, getrepparttar 114582 kids ready for school, put in a full day at work and then come home and takerepparttar 114583 kids on a bike ride or a walk torepparttar 114584 park.

That, for me, isrepparttar 114585 biggest benefit of all. When my kids come up to me and say, "can we go for a bike ride Dad?", and I can say "Sure, let's go!". No more, "sorry kids, I'm just to tired".

Now, I haven't had to take my blood pressure pills for months. The last time I went to see my doctor my blood pressure was 118 over 74. It hasn't been that low in ages.

My wife and friends all thought it was a big joke when I bought my first bottle of HGH pills. They all reminded me of several pieces of exercise equipment I had purchased inrepparttar 114586 last few years that were gathering dust inrepparttar 114587 basement. Well, no ones laughing now. They all notice how much extra energy I have now. My weight has gone down and I'm feeling really fit. My kids are happy too. Now they have a dad who's not always sleeping onrepparttar 114588 couch.

My wife, who won't even take vitamins, even wanted to try it when she found out how young it made skin look. I'm a guy, so I wasn't really going forrepparttar 114589 young looking skin stuff, but oh well, If it makesrepparttar 114590 wife happy, it makes me happy too. A little side note: My buddy bought a bottle for his wife and she said how nice it made her face and skin look. Well, that's all it took. My wife just had to have it too. I hope she doesn't read this part :)

Final note: While I must admit, at first I was very skeptical about HGH supplements, I now take my HGH supplement every single day without fail. I'm going to stick with it. I've tried a lot of supplements that didn't do much for me until I foundrepparttar 114591 one HGH supplement that really delivers what it promises. So now I recommend it to everyone I know. In fact, I had so many people asking about it that I created a website devoted to HGH facts and information. It worked for me and for everyone I've recommended it to.

I never get tired of seeingrepparttar 114592 expression on their face when they come back and say "Wow, that stuff you told me about really works!".

P.S. Just in case you'd like some more information about HGH in general andrepparttar 114593 name ofrepparttar 114594 HGH supplement I personally use, you can read more detailed information aboutrepparttar 114595 product and seerepparttar 114596 scientific data I have collected on HGH at my website:

To your good health,

Brad Bahr

About the author: Brad Bahr is the author of many health related articles and websites. He has been testing and reviewing health supplements for many years. You can find out more about HGH at his website:

Destressing Your Life!

Written by Jane Kriese

Continued from page 1
*Give yourself permission to worry, but only once a day for 30 minutes *Eat a healthy diet, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, eat 8 to 10 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables each day, avoid artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, fried food, junk food and sugar. *Avoid alcohol, tobacco and mood altering drugs *Get 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night *Listen to your inner voice. Is it talking negative? *Avoid or eliminate as many hassles from your life as possible *Learn to laugh *Live inrepparttar present, enjoy each day *Researchrepparttar 114580 herb “Valerian”. This herb is used to sooth, relax and healrepparttar 114581 nerves. You might find this helpful while you make changes in your life style. *Seek professional help if these changes haven't improved your life

If you are looking for more information visit; This web site is hosted by Dr. Hans Selyerepparttar 114582 author ofrepparttar 114583 book “Stress Remedies For Living In A Fogged Up World” The web site is a wealth of information outlining effective methods of dealing with physical, emotional, and situational disorders produced by stress.

I know you have probably heard this before, but you can make small changes in your life. Some ofrepparttar 114584 changes I listed on de-stressing your life will make a huge difference in your physical and emotional health. Only you can change your life style, cutrepparttar 114585 stress in your life and have a vibrant healthy body.

© Jane Kriese

______________________________________ Would you like to have a Healthy Vibrant Body? To learn more, sign up for Jane Kriese's Herbs For Health Newsletter at;

Jane Kriese is the web master for the web site I am a business woman, author, wife and mother. My passion is learning about holistic products and using this information to educate people on how to keep their health, or to rebuild their body if they have a life style disease. The holistic world is full of hope, I believe with effort we can have, healthy vibrant bodies.

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