How Should We Pray?

Written by Caleb Osborne

Continued from page 1

Inrepparttar next verse:

"Your kingdom come Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven."

Jesus reaffirms what all of us should, thatrepparttar 126521 control of our lives is in our loving father's hands. Let him know that your life is in his hands and his will is yours.

Giving over control of your life and your rights to it is an important step in receivingrepparttar 126522 great Christian life!

That's all for today, next email we'll look at prayer requests andrepparttar 126523 best way to present them to our father.

Verse 11:

"Give us this day our daily bread."

With this in mind there are two things that I would like to bring up in this email:

1. I think it's important to notice that Jesus put asking for our needs after praising God and telling him that his will is what is foremost in our lives.

Because we are capable of making mistakes and not seeingrepparttar 126524 whole picture, make sure to let God know that HIS will is what is foremost in our lives.

If this is truly your belief and you have told God this then it isn't necessary to keep drilling it, but I usually precede a prayer request with "if it is your will". This reaffirmsrepparttar 126525 thought process (for myself mostly) that what I am asking is according to his will not mine.

2. We can rely on God to meet our needs and he will always be faithful to do so!

Jesus,repparttar 126526 son of God, relied on his father to meet his needs! What beautiful illustration ofrepparttar 126527 way that we are to approach our Christian lives!

God was faithful to meetrepparttar 126528 needs of Jesus, that he asked for in his prayer because we know that he died on a cross for all of our sins; not because of a lack of his needs being provided for!

"I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU" (Hebrews 13:5). God is faithful to always be there for you. He gave his son Jesus so that you could have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). He will take care of you and meet your every need.

This has been article onrepparttar 126529 way that God intended for us to look at prayer. It is by no means exhaustive, but I hope you found it useful. --

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Caleb is a young Christian man who has just authored his first book, Christ Through Me and continues to share his messages of God's love and grace through his FREE e-Newsletter at his website at

Wearing Masks

Written by Laurel A. Aiyana

Continued from page 1

Thank goodness for divine intervention. As I pondered my discomfort withrepparttar dating scene I had just entered, I realized that I reverted to old patterns of wearing a mask to be whorepparttar 126520 other person wanted me to be. This date emailed me a list of things he found really wonderful about me, none of which included playing sports. He enjoyed my intelligence and wit – bits of my true self. I realized that I only wantedrepparttar 126521 relationship at face value, cards onrepparttar 126522 table. I mentioned I liked being a girly girl, and watching play softball might be fun, but my playing it would not. He still seemed to want to get together, but I’m still not sure he seesrepparttar 126523 real me. Next contact, however, I want to reveal only true colors. Next time, I hope to leaverepparttar 126524 mask checked atrepparttar 126525 door before I even open my mouth.

Wearing masks also comes from approval addition stemming once again from my relationship with my parents. I transferred this behavior to clergy,repparttar 126526 main authority figure in my life. By also failing to considerrepparttar 126527 fact, that they are human beings too with frailties, instead of being who I am, I make excuses whenever they seem angry. Recently, I attended a branch of my church that was 20 miles closer to my home because of my illness. The associate pastor at my current church took great umbrage. Instead of letting it roll off my shoulders, I feltrepparttar 126528 need to defend myself. Now as I look atrepparttar 126529 situation, it’s none of her business what motivated me to attendrepparttar 126530 church, andrepparttar 126531 fact that she’s upset, should not upset me. I’m going to try to walk these new revelations out in life realizing some people will reject me, and others won’t, and that doesn’t mean who I am, is bad. For a while, I expectrepparttar 126532 rejection to hurt, but being true to self will outweighrepparttar 126533 pain fromrepparttar 126534 rejection once I truly internalize that my worth in value is grounded in Christ.

Copyright (c) 2005 Laurel Aiyana. All rights reserved.

At age 41, I have begun the process of reinventing myself, and following my life long passion to write. For years I held what was thought to be the responsible job, as an IT administrator, but sacrificed a piece of my soul. Now, I hope to fulfill my real dream.

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