How Safe is Your Success? Part 3 of 8

Written by Bill Hely

Continued from page 1

Don't letrepparttar mention of "database" deter you — that'srepparttar 103500 province ofrepparttar 103501 programmer. All you need do is configure your anti-virus program to regularly contact it's developer's website and downloadrepparttar 103502 latest updates. Any anti-virus program worthy of your consideration will have a built-in scheduler to take care of regularly connecting torepparttar 103503 Internet and retrieving updates. Frankly, it is just too important a task to be left torepparttar 103504 frailties of human memory, so always use automation when it is available.

As for detection capabilities, most ofrepparttar 103505 major anti-virus packages are pretty much on a par these days. For me it'srepparttar 103506 little extras that count, like ease of configuration, prompt and helpful support, etc. and of course cost. The specific brand of anti-virus software you use is up to you. My personal preference is a company I have been watching, using and recommending for a few years now: Grisoft, makers ofrepparttar 103507 AVG anti-virus. You'll find them here:

If you are a home computer user you can use this excellent anti-virus program completely free of charge. The site layout and links change from time to time, but fromrepparttar 103508 link above look for a reference to "AVG Free". Note that there is also an AVG Trial, but that's a time-limited trial ofrepparttar 103509 commercial software. As a home user on a single stand-alone PC you'll be very happy with AVG Free.

Finally, a word about "security suites". I know I'm inviting criticism for this stance, but I must say I'm not a fan of security suites for most home or small business installations. A suite is a software package that offers not only anti-virus but includes software components that purport to tackle other nasties such as SpyWare, adware, etc.

In my experience you do not findrepparttar 103510 best of each type of protection bundled together. Because a company may be extremely good at producing an anti-virus product does not mean they can do as good a job with an anti-adware solution. Whilerepparttar 103511 corporate buyers tend to turn their noses up at free software,repparttar 103512 fact is that some ofrepparttar 103513 very best-of-breed security solutions are just that - free. Ifrepparttar 103514 corporates with their big budgets and in-house IT support prefer to invest in complex and often costly integrated suites, that's fine. They haverepparttar 103515 resources to handle anything that happens.

But for my money there's a lot to be said for implementing a series of much smaller, less complex, often free utilities that — matched task for task — can usually out-performrepparttar 103516 equivalent component parts of an integrated suite.

We'll be looking more specifically at adware and SpyWare threats inrepparttar 103517 next part of this series, so if you are not yet a subscriber to this newsletter join now, or risk missing some very important information.

Inrepparttar 103518 interim, get yourself a good modern anti-virus scanner and, once installed, be sure to get intorepparttar 103519 configuration options and set a daily update schedule. In AVG version 7 you just launchrepparttar 103520 Test Center, clickrepparttar 103521 Scheduler button, double-clickrepparttar 103522 "Update plan" entry and select your preferred options. While you haverepparttar 103523 Test Center open you might as well double-click onrepparttar 103524 "Test plan" entry and set your preferred full-scan time. Mine happens inrepparttar 103525 early hours ofrepparttar 103526 morning when it can't slow my work.


Bill Hely is an Australian technologist, consultant and author whose professional focus has been on advising and supporting small business operators in IT and Office Productivity - and rescuing them when they didn't heed his advice the first time around. He is the author of several books on technology for the business person, including the Bible of Internet and PC security "The Hacker's Nightmare" -

How Safe is Your Success? Part 7 of 8

Written by Bill Hely

Continued from page 1

With a hardware Firewall in place, there will be less questionable incoming traffic forrepparttar software Firewall to analyze, thus fewer excuses for it to bother you with a request for a decision. And therefore fewer chances for you to give a dangerous answer.

This improvement in usability is not a minor matter. The difference can be so pronounced that people who install a hardware Firewall after having a software type in place for a while, begin to wonder ifrepparttar 103499 latter is still working, so reduced arerepparttar 103500 “alarms” they have to respond to.

Another reason for using both hardware and software Firewalls is that software is … well, software. And software, any software, can be compromised. Onrepparttar 103501 other handrepparttar 103502 hardware Firewall, with very few exceptions, can only be “got at” physically – a baddie has to have hands-on access torepparttar 103503 Firewall to do anything nefarious with it.

Finally, both software and hardware can fail for any number of reasons. If a good software firewall encounters a problem it should be designed to fall back to some sort of safe mode, blocking all Internet traffic untilrepparttar 103504 problem is dealt with.

But if something should occur that forcedrepparttar 103505 software Firewall to shut down or that prevents it from loading at all (something many Trojans attempt to do), it is no longer an impediment to unauthorized data. You could well be vulnerable to attack and remain blissfully unaware ofrepparttar 103506 fact. Onrepparttar 103507 other hand, ifrepparttar 103508 hardware Firewall fails it will do so in such a way that access to and fromrepparttar 103509 Internet is cut off altogether. The hardware Firewall, by its very nature, can only fail onrepparttar 103510 side of complete safety. If it's "not there", neither isrepparttar 103511 Internet connection.

Well … does that makerepparttar 103512 software Firewall too much trouble? No way !!! A good software Firewall that does its job properly is positively invaluable for its management of outgoing connections, which is where one ofrepparttar 103513 biggest threats to your security lies. A very, very strong case can be made for having both types in place. I do, as do most professionals with an understanding of, and a respect for, data security.

Atrepparttar 103514 very least you should install a good software Firewall on each PC for which you are responsible. A consistent Editor's Choice selection, probablyrepparttar 103515 most-recommended by IT professionals, and my personal choice is ZoneAlarm from Zone Labs. There are both free and PRO versions, with various licensing options. Even if you are eligible to userepparttar 103516 free version I do encourage you to at least give PRO serious consideration and look atrepparttar 103517 extra features you get overrepparttar 103518 free version.

There is no space here to discuss hardware firewall recommendations, asrepparttar 103519 most suitable type will depend on a number of factors. Seek advice from a reputable computer dealer or consult a more detailed resource such as my book "The Hacker’s Nightmare".

If this newsletter has been passed on to you by a friend, please subscribe to it yourself so you can be sure of receivingrepparttar 103520 next part in this series, when I'll show you how to keep your sensitive electronic correspondence completely confidential, even if someone does manage to intercept your eMail.


Bill Hely is an Australian technologist, consultant and author whose professional focus has been on advising and supporting small business operators in IT and Office Productivity - and rescuing them when they didn't heed his advice the first time around. He is the author of several books on technology for the business person, including the Bible of Internet and PC security "The Hacker's Nightmare" -

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