How Opt-in Email Marketing Helps You In Your Online Business

Written by Evelyn

Continued from page 1

3) Giving a freebie to your prospect to “opt-in”. The freebie has to be relevant in theme to what you are selling.

4) Offering an email course, teachingrepparttar consumer aboutrepparttar 136465 product or service.

5) Continually reinforcingrepparttar 136466 incentive for your prospect to remain on your subscriber list. This can be by offering him/her quality content on a related topic of interest, etc.

6) Providing more incentives to get to know more about your customer. You may at this point, conduct surveys to build your database of information on customer preferences. You can then easily match your products torepparttar 136467 customer needs.

Opt-in email marketing has lots of benefits for you and your customer:

* Increased customer loyalty due to constant contact.

* Customer needs and preferences are met.

* Increased “word of mouth” referral for your products or services asrepparttar 136468 customer becomes more satisfied.

* Increased sales for your other products and services.

* Lower cost per order because marketing waste is minimized.

Note that, in order to retain your customers, what you must continually offer is value. Otherwise, your subscriber can easily “opt-out” and you would have lost a prospect.

The burden is on you to build and nurturerepparttar 136469 relationship. Customer loyalty cannot be taken for granted, it has to be earned. Turningrepparttar 136470 loyalty into trust will surely propel your profits.

Evelyn Lim is an online business entrepreneur. She publishes a free weekly newsletter "Mapping You to Success" for aspiring e-biz owners. The aim of her publication is to equip readers with the skills to acquire multiple sources of online income. To subscribe, please visit .

10 Reasons Why Your Online Product Is Not Selling

Written by Evelyn

Continued from page 1

Enhancing or changingrepparttar product’s specifications are not within your control if you are notrepparttar 136464 one creating it. Hence,repparttar 136465 only way to a great business plan is to avoid being associated with a product loser.

To analyserepparttar 136466 product in question, try putting yourself inrepparttar 136467 shoes of a potential customer and test it for usability, reliability and whether it meets your needs. You can also go to online discussion forums to check if there are any negative comments aboutrepparttar 136468 product or alternatively, if there are credible testimonials written.

One very important aspect to address also isrepparttar 136469 after sales support ofrepparttar 136470 product. You do not want to be caught selling something for which there is no available support fromrepparttar 136471 originating merchant. The best way forward is to testrepparttar 136472 product and email or contactrepparttar 136473 vendor on your questions. If there is no reply within a reasonable time frame, move on torepparttar 136474 next product to analyse.

Evelyn Lim is an online business entrepreneur. She publishes a free weekly newsletter "Mapping You to Success" for aspiring e-biz owners. The aim of her publication is to equip readers with the skills to acquire multiple sources of online income. To subscribe, please visit .

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