How Not to Write a Press Release

Written by Michele Pariza Wacek

Continued from page 1

You need to be on your guard when one of these ideas shows up. Question them. Interrogate them if you must. "Why willrepparttar media like you? What do you offer that's different than any other press release? What's so special about you? Why will someone want to read more about you?" Don't allow their pretty words to influence you. You must get torepparttar 142032 truth. Chances are what seduces you probably won't seducerepparttar 142033 media.

Remember, media people are looking for an angle or a story that would interest their readers. They want to know things like: "What's in it for my readers? Why will my readers care about this piece of information?"

If you can answer those questions correctly, then you have an excellent chance of gettingrepparttar 142034 coverage you're looking for.

Creativity Exercises -- Write a newsworthy press release

The only way to get better at recognizing a good press release is to practice writing them.

Start by writing what you think is a good press release. Put it away for at least 24 hours. Don't look at it. Don't even think about it.

Afterrepparttar 142035 24 hours is up, pull it out and read it. Ask yourself this question:

"Is this something someone else would be interested in or is this something only I (and maybe my mother) would want to read?"

Really ponderrepparttar 142036 question. Don't let yourself answer it too quickly.

Still feel like it's newsworthy? Then try this exercise. Replace allrepparttar 142037 references to you and your product with another business and product. I recommend inserting a business that is not one of your competitors. Userepparttar 142038 Find/Replace function on your word processing software to make this a quick and easy process.

Put your release away again. If you can wait another 24 hours, allrepparttar 142039 better. But even moving on to a different project and coming back a few hours later will help it sound "fresh" to you.

Read it again. Do you still find it interesting now that it's about someone else?

It's tough to view your business objectively. Fortunately, this is a skill that will get easierrepparttar 142040 more you do it.

Michele Pariza Wacek owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting, a writing, marketing and creativity agency. She offers two free e-newsletters that help subscribers combine their creativity with hard-hitting marketing and copywriting principles to become more successful at attracting new clients, selling products and services and boosting business. She can be reached at Copyright 2005 Michele Pariza Wacek

MLM network Marketing Training- Are You Thinking Yourself Out of MLM Success?

Written by Doug Firebaugh

Continued from page 1

FIREStarter Secret:

WHAT you are sending out to people, they will send back to you. If you are thinking hesitantly, they will be hesitant to join you. If you are thiniking doubtful, they will be doubtful about joining you. If you are thinkiing failure, they will feel your failure...

But, if you are thinking confident, and they feel confidence,repparttar odds just went up for them to enroll with you.

If you truly see yourself succeeding in your thoughts, then you will replicate that in your actions and people will respond acordingly.

If you are thinking, "This is so easy and I am going to radically successful!", they will feel that and be attracted to your thinking.

Inferno Secret:

"Practice" in your mind everything you do, before you do it. "Before you send out, workrepparttar 142031 Success in!"


Phone calls. Appointments. Home Business Meetings. Conversations. Follow ups. Asking forrepparttar 142032 order. Everything.

And see yourself winning at MLM, and helping others win at life as well.


The thinking that you do before you take action, will soak your actions and words, and your prospect will feel it.

Cmon...let's be honest....

What are your prospects feeling from you as well as your thinking?

Are you thinking yourself out of Success?

Blessings...doug firebaugh (c) 2005 PassionFire International PassionFire Intl MLM Leadership

Subscribe torepparttar 142033 MLM Training Newsletter PF HEAT!

Doug Firebaugh lives in Birmingham Michigan, and is one of the top network marketing trainers and speakers in the world. he was full tim in MLM for 13 years, and the last 7 years has been training. His site is

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