How My First Published Work Almost Hit the Dump Truck

Written by Jim Green

Continued from page 1

I decided to opt for one of these offers of publication which proved fortuitous because I was immediately teamed up with a highly experienced commissioning editor who taught me how to craft my raw text into what had been concerning me all along:repparttar production of a meaningful volume. "Starting Your Own Business" was published in October 1994, sold out of its first edition in December of that year, and was reprinted in January 1995. It has gone from strength to strength ever since and disposals continue to rise year-on-year justifying my plan to earn extra income at home.

I tell you all of this not to impress but to let you in onrepparttar 129139 secret of how my tutorial came into being.

Subsequent success in writing for profit in my spare time prompted me to delve deeply intorepparttar 129140 reasons why my work always seems to be on target. It couldn't all be down to luck. Sure, serendipity stepped in atrepparttar 129141 outset but there had to be more to it than that. I began to evaluate what I was doing right, where I was going wrong on occasion, what I thought I knew ad what I had still to learn from my peers. The result of my painstaking research is "Writing for Profit in Your Spare Time. This creative writing course encapsulatesrepparttar 129142 power-packed tried and tested strategies that work for me and other accomplished niche non-fiction authors; strategies that will work just as well for you. When you've done that: sign up for my free newsletter and I'll pass on new tips and techniques as they emerge.

Jim Green is a bestselling author with a string of niche non-fiction titles to his credit including 'Starting Your Own Business' (How To Books ISBN 1-85703-859-2) and 'Starting an Internet Business at Home' (Kogan Page ISBN 0-7494-3484-8).

The Questions People Ask About Writing Niche Non-Fiction

Written by Jim Green

Continued from page 1


If you're talking fiction, yes, most definitely that isrepparttar case. Butrepparttar 129137 beauty of writing for profit inrepparttar 129138 realms of niche non-fiction is that you avail yourself ofrepparttar 129139 facility for accurately pinpointing your marketplace and your publishing options.


Chapter 11 ofrepparttar 129140 tutorial reveals not only how you can do this effectively but why you should do it in order to gauge potential demand before you place your work with a traditional publishing house.


In Chapter 12 you will discover how one part time author produced an online bestseller that catapulted torepparttar 129141 #1 spot in within a week of its release. Most authors nowadays create a web site for promotion purposes (I have several and they all produce good business.)


Read about them in Chapter 13 and start to get excited atrepparttar 129142 prospects.


If you go out looking for them you won't be disappointed; you'll get them in abundance. Study and stick withrepparttar 129143 strategies in 'Writing for Profit in Your Spare Time' and you will cut downrepparttar 129144 incidence of rejection slips to a miniscule minimum.

Jim Green is a bestselling author with a string of niche non-fiction titles to his credit including 'Starting Your Own Business' (How To Books ISBN 1-85703-859-2) and 'Starting an Internet Business at Home' (Kogan Page ISBN 0-7494-3484-8). His tutorial is available at

How My First Published Work Almost Hitrepparttar 129145 Dump Truck

My first published work (and coincidentally my first bestseller) came about by way of accident. What do I mean by that? Just this: I didn't set out to write a book. I was sitting at home one evening in December 1993 completing a review ofrepparttar 129146 meticulous notes I had compiled inrepparttar 129147 lead up to launching a new business. As I closedrepparttar 129148 ring binder and prepared to consign my accumulated data torepparttar 129149 dump truck I stopped in my tracks. Hey, I thought, there's book in here somewhere, there's an extra income opportunity, there's an opening to make money from writing, there's a way to create a residual income stream, and what's more, I can earn all of this extra income at home.

Busy though I was inrepparttar 129150 early days of my new enterprise I set about my extra income idea by drawing up a plan of action to transcriberepparttar 129151 recorded research into a how-to or self-help manual forrepparttar 129152 benefit of others about to embark upon what I had just achieved. This inspiration to earn extra income at home could only be accomplished in my spare time (what there was of it) but becauserepparttar 129153 material was in both date and chronological order I started out with a valuable edge. How to structurerepparttar 129154 text though, how to convert my expertise into a meaningful volume, how to develop its presentation into a format that would appeal torepparttar 129155 publishing industry, how in fact to locate a publisher: these were some of my dilemmas in my plan to earn extra income at home.

Five months later I putrepparttar 129156 finishing touches to my first draft and sent copies off to four niche publishing houses (something I've never done since nor would ever do again because it's bad form) and to my astonishment received two offers of intent of interest to pursuerepparttar 129157 project. I appeared to have hitrepparttar 129158 jackpot and I wondered why. It didn't take me long to figure that out. Happily, my text coincided withrepparttar 129159 emergence inrepparttar 129160 early 1990s of world wide government initiatives to stimulate indigenous economic growth by encouraging start-ups inrepparttar 129161 area of small to medium size business enterprises.

I decided to opt for one of these offers of publication which proved fortuitous because I was immediately teamed up with a highly experienced commissioning editor who taught me how to craft my raw text into what had been concerning me all along:repparttar 129162 production of a meaningful volume. "Starting Your Own Business" was published in October 1994, sold out of its first edition in December of that year, and was reprinted in January 1995. It has gone from strength to strength ever since and disposals continue to rise year-on-year justifying my plan to earn extra income at home.

I tell you all of this not to impress but to let you in onrepparttar 129163 secret of how my tutorial came into being.

Subsequent success in writing for profit in my spare time prompted me to delve deeply intorepparttar 129164 reasons why my work always seems to be on target. It couldn't all be down to luck. Sure, serendipity stepped in atrepparttar 129165 outset but there had to be more to it than that. I began to evaluate what I was doing right, where I was going wrong on occasion, what I thought I knew ad what I had still to learn from my peers. The result of my painstaking research is "Writing for Profit in Your Spare Time. This creative writing course encapsulatesrepparttar 129166 power-packed tried and tested strategies that work for me and other accomplished niche non-fiction authors; strategies that will work just as well for you. When you've done that: sign up for my free newsletter and I'll pass on new tips and techniques as they emerge.

Jim Green is a bestselling author with a string of niche non-fiction titles to his credit including 'Starting Your Own Business' (How To Books ISBN 1-85703-859-2) and 'Starting an Internet Business at Home' (Kogan Page ISBN 0-7494-3484-8).

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