How Much Is Enough?

Written by Dr. Wm. G. Seavey

Continued from page 1

Make room for expanding your horizons. Look beyond where you have come from and seerepparttar bigger picture. Plan to maximize your potential.

You cannot grow if you do not feed yourself. As a baby, someone else fed you until you learned to feed yourself. Now that you have learned to feed yourself and you have found that it is a must for life, you do it on a daily basis. For some it is three times a day. For others it might be 5-6 times a day. For others once or twice. But, I know of no one who does not feed themselves on a regular daily basis. Why? Because you will die if you do not. Now there are others ways to die besides at life's end. I call it wasting away.

Man is born triune. That is, body, soul and spirit. If you do not feed yourself spiritually, you will die. If you do not feed yourself intellectually, you will die. If you do not feedrepparttar 123649 mind, you will die. If you do not feedrepparttar 123650 soul, you will die. Or, to put it another way, you will waste away. Ancient Script says we perish for lack of knowledge. Knowledge comes from crackingrepparttar 123651 books, takingrepparttar 123652 classes, studying different cultures, going torepparttar 123653 seminars and sharing all this with others. There is something about sharing what you know with others that not only helps you grow and make room for more as you give what you know away, but it also helps those with whom you share your wisdom.

But guess what? There are thousands of people who do not and will not feed themselves on a daily basis,repparttar 123654 foods necessary for spiritual growth, mental growth, emotional growth, etc. Food forrepparttar 123655 soul is good. So is food forrepparttar 123656 brain,repparttar 123657 inner you, your emotions and intellect. You can feedrepparttar 123658 body all it wants but still waste away if you do not attend all areas of your make-up. It is called balance. Why do you think you have a soul, a spirit, and a brain? It is there to feed on a daily basis. You cannot leaverepparttar 123659 car inrepparttar 123660 garage without giving it some attention. Sooner or later it isn't going to run well, if at all. What do you think would happen to it if you left it inrepparttar 123661 garage without any attention at all for several weeks or months? One day you would try to start it and nothing would happen. It would be dead. It isrepparttar 123662 same way with you and I. Those who refuse to attendrepparttar 123663 most marvelous of creations might be calledrepparttar 123664 living dead. They just exist contributing nothing to not only their own lives but also contributing nothing torepparttar 123665 lives of those around them. What is it you want people to say about you after your gone? What should they say? Here is what I hope others will say about me. "You know, ol' Bill was never a quitter. He always gave it 110% no matter what. He not only changed himself forrepparttar 123666 better by adding quality daily to his life, he also helped changerepparttar 123667 lives of others."

You can grow if you want to. Andrepparttar 123668 key is WANT TO. Your want to must be stronger than I cant. I can't means I won't try. Purpose must be stronger thanrepparttar 123669 object sought. Why must be stronger than how. When you know why you want something and it serves a great purpose, how you get it will become easier. You will see ways to get it that you never knew, when why becomes stronger than how. If why has no worthwhile purpose,repparttar 123670 how of it will become harder than usual, many times impossible.


A parting thought...Stay encouraged. Everything is temporary, evenrepparttar 123671 storms of life.

I Wish You The Best Of Success,

Dr. Wm. G. Seavey Emailrepparttar 123672 Doctor for lecturing at Web Site Subscribe to The Mustard Seed - Lessons For Living at

Dr Seavey is the Founder of The Winners Circle and has been writing and speaking since 1976 to organisations, churches and businesses. Having studied success and its principles and disciplines for the past 15 years he is a product of real life. He is the author of The Mustard Seed - Lessons For Living, a monthly electronic ezine, and numerous workbooks relative to personal development and growth.

Taking Care of Your Heart

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1
to help those who are down forrepparttar count actually makes us taller and our own outlooks brighter. Opening our hearts to those around us just gives strength to that "ole'ticker" and letting even a stranger know that there is room in this world for each and every one of them, gives your space a bit more dimension. You see, whatever you do to and for others will rebound. It will make your life better, your hopes richer, and not to mention, likerepparttar 123648 Grinch Who Stole Christmas, that size 3 heart will stretch and expand to size 10, 20, and really there is no boundary. This, however, is not a health hazard. Your heart will be healthier, stronger, bigger, lighter, and capable of loving more with each endeavor. The more you give of it,repparttar 123649 more you get back. If you were inrepparttar 123650 business of finance, that is a solid ground to build a future on.

Whatever you do this Valentine Day, orrepparttar 123651 day before orrepparttar 123652 hundreds of days after, be good to your heart, and reaprepparttar 123653 rewards of loving and living in a world where there is room for everyone, and we can each have our own "space." The fountain of love never goes dry, andrepparttar 123654 mine of diamonds and gold never runs out or precious metals, and even outer space is notrepparttar 123655 limit to what people can do once they get started. Love yourself enough to love others and ENJOY! ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2003 January

Arleen has written numerous articles, novels, and cookbooks. Her newsletters:

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